Karakalpak New Testament and Old Testament Portions
Карақалпақ тилиндеги Мухаддес Китап

The Karakalpaks ("Kara" meaning black, and "Kalpak" meaning hat) live primarily in northwestern Uzbekistan with smaller populations in Turkey, Iran and other central Asian countries. The Karakalpaks emerged as a confederation of tribes at some time in the 15th or 16th centuries. They are genetically highly heterogeneous. During the 1500s, they became virtually independent, although definitely not united. Unfortunately, their independence was short lived. Over the next 200 years, they became subjects of the Dzungarians, the Bukharans, and the Kazaks. The Dzungarians forced them to flee in two directions. One group, the upper Karakalpaks, went up the Syr Darya River to the Ferghana Basin. The second, the lower Karakalpaks, moved closer to the Aral Sea.
indigenous to Along the lower Amu Darya; south Aral Sea area. Also in Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation (Asia), Turkmenistan.
Language Kara-Kalpak قاراقالپاق تىلى [kaa]
Date 1996
Copyright © Institute for Bible Translation, Moscow (Институт перевода Библии)
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