South Bolivian Quechua 2017 Edition
Revisión Biblia Quechua Boliviano

The Bolivian Biblical Society (SBB) is a non-profit civil association, whose main activity is the dissemination of the Word of God. The Bolivian Bible Society is part of the World Fraternity of United Bible Societies (SBU) and was established in Cochabamba, on September 3, 1974. However, its work dates back to 1827, the year in which the British and Foreign Bible Society began his work in Bolivia. A long way has been traveled since the constitution of this Christian missionary entity in 1974 and there is still a long way to go in the task of bringing the good news of hope to Bolivia and the world.
indigenous to Highland and lowland except around Apolo; Northwest Jujuy Quechua in Argentina. Also in Argentina.
Date 2017
Copyright © Sociedad Bíblica Boliviana, 2017.
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Bolivian Bible Society