The Dalmatian Bible (DAL1584)
Dalmatinova Biblija 1584

The Dalmatian Bible (DAL1584) from 1584 is the first translation of the Bible into Slovene. Slovenes became the twelfth European nation to receive the entire Bible in its own language. This translation raised Slovene to the level of a high literary language and thus enabled the development of the Slovene national consciousness. The Bible Society of Slovenia is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to spreading the Bible so that its life message can reach all people. You too can help with this work. Want to know more about the Bible? Join us at
indigenous to Carniola, south Styria and Carinthia. Lower Carniola in Dolenjsko; Upper Carniola in Gorenjska; Primorski in West Slovenia; Stajerski in Styria. Also in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Canada, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Serbia, United States.
Language Slovenian Slovenian [slv]
Date 1584
Copyright Public Domain
Bibles available in a Library or Collection
Digital Bible Library
Websites we know of that host this Bible.
Bible Society of Slovenia