Bible in Kabardian (NT)
ХъыбарыфӀыр. ЩӀэдзапӀэр. Уэрэд ЛъапӀэхэр

Luke, Ruth and Jonah, Proverbs, Ruth and Daniel, Gospel Parables. Bible portions to date: Luke (1991, revision 2009), John (1991), NT (1993), Children’s Bible (2008), Ruth and Jonah (2009), Genesis + NT (2011, IBT Stockholm)*, Ruth and Jonah + Luke (2013), Proverbs (2017), Daniel and Ruth (2018), 4 Parables from Luke (2019), Ecclesiastes (diglot with Adyghe, 2020)
indigenous to Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachai-Cherkessia. Also in Germany, Jordan, Syria, Turkey (Asia), United States.
Date 2017
Copyright © Institute for Bible Translation, Moscow (Институт перевода Библии)
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