
lingua latīna [lat]

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Latin Neo-VulgataLatin Neo-vulgataBiblesLATNV11,979
Latin Beza New TestamentNovum Testamentum Domini Nostri Jesu ChristiBiblesLATBEZA1,848
Schiaminossi Twelve ProphetsEffigies prophetarum duodecimBiblesLATSCHI1,700
Clementine Vulgate 1598Bibbia Vulgata Clementina na 1598BiblesLATCLV1,598
Latin Tory Book of HoursTory Liber HorarumBiblesLATTORY1,524
The Nuremberg ChronicleLiber chronicarumBiblesLATNURE1,500
Latin Flemish PsalterPsautier flamandBiblesLATFLEM1,500
Latin Kramer PsalterPsalmi, hymni cum pulchris picturisBiblesLATKRAM1,495
Latin Bible - Ottaviano ScottoLatin BibliaBiblesLATOTTA1,480
Latin Apocalypse of Saint JohnApocalypsis Sancti JohannisBiblesLATAPOC1,470
Gutenberg BibleGutenberg BibelBiblesLATGUT1,454
Ratisbon Dominican BibleBiblia (prophetae et evangelia aliique libri minors)BiblesLATRATI1,450
Latin Paupers BibleBiblia pauperumBiblesLATPAUP1,414
Codex Gigas - Latin Vulgate Bible MedievalCodex GigasBiblesLATGIGA1,300
Vulgata Sistina Latin BibleVulgata latinaBiblesLATVSB1,300
Queen Isabella of England PsalterIsabellae reginae Angliae PsalteriumBiblesLATISAB1,300
Latin Magdeburg PsalterLatin Magdeburg PsalteriumBiblesLATMAGD1,265
Carrow PsalterCarrow PsalteriumBiblesLATCARR1,250
Nonnberg Convent PsalterPsalterium cum CalendarioBiblesLATNONN1,250
Polling PsalterPsalterium cum CalendarioBiblesLATPOLL1,236
Golden Munich PsalterPsalterium aureum MunichBiblesLATGOLD1,200
Claricia PsalterClaricia PsalteriumBiblesLATCLAR1,175
Weihenstephan GospelWeihenstephan evangeliumBiblesLATWEIH1,170
Ottobeuren GospelOVVM OPVS - Beatis Simopa Pedama Soiero NimvsBiblesLATOTTO1,165
Honorius Song of SolomonHonorii, Canticum Canticorum SalomonisBiblesLATHONO1,150
Passau GospelPassau EvangeliaBiblesLATPASS1,150
Gospel of Lorsch - Evangeliary of Udalrich- IlluminatedEvangelium Lorsch - Evangeliarium UdalrichBiblesLATLORS1,150
Weingarten Gospel LectionaryEvangelia aliquotBiblesLATWEIN1,130
Benediktbeuern GospelBenediktbeuern EvangeliaBiblesLATBENE1,100
Niederaltaich Gospel BookNiederaltaich Liber EvangelicusBiblesLATNGB1,060
Tegernsee New Testament - IlluminatedTegernsee Novum TestamentumBiblesLATTEGE1,050
Michaelbeuern Gospels - IlluminatedQuattuor Evangelia cum imaginibus pictis SS. Evangelistarum BiblesLATMICH1,030
Eberhard Psalter - IlluminatedPsalterium cum commentariisBiblesLATEBER1,025
Reichenau GospelEvangeliar aus dem Bamberger DomBiblesLATREIC1,010
Book of Henry Gospels and PicturesHenrici Evangelia et PicturesBiblesLATHENR1,007
Echternach Gospel LectionaryLectionarium Evangelii EchternachBiblesLATECHT1,000
Codex of Uta - GospelsQuattuor EvangeliaBiblesLATUTA1,000
Ellenhard Canons of the GospelsEvangelia quatuor cum prologis et capitulis : Canones Evangeliorum. Capitula IV evangeliorum. Hieronymi prologus in IV evangelia. Epistolae (duae) Hieronimi et (una) EusebiiBiblesLATELLE1,000
Artors Acts of the ApostlesCarmen de actibus apostolorumBiblesLATARTO975
Heiric of Auxerre Gospels- IlluminatedHererici Autissiodorensis EvangeliaBiblesLATHEIR950
Corvey Gospel FragmentBibliotheque Sainte-Genevieve Evangeliorum FragmentaBiblesLATCORV900
Weimar Gospels - Luke and JohnLukas- und JohannesevangeliumBiblesLATWEIM900
The Seville BibleBiblia hispalenseBiblesLATSEVI900
Bobbio PsalterBobbio PsalteriumBiblesLATBOBB875
Saint Gall GospelsSaint Gall EvangeliariumBiblesLATGALL850
Ingolstadt Gospel Book - IlluminatedIngolstadii Liber EvangelicusBiblesLATINGO850
Bamberg Cathedral GospelsEvangelia Cathedralis BambergensisBiblesLATBAMB825
Mainz GospelsMainz EvangeliariumBiblesLATMAIN800
Purple GospelPurpura EvangeliumBiblesLATPURP800
Codex Aureus Gospels and ActsCodex AureusBiblesLATAURE750
Title Type Date
Latin Neo-Vulgata Bibles 1979
Latin Beza New Testament Bibles 1848
Schiaminossi Twelve Prophets Bibles 1700
Clementine Vulgate 1598 Bibles 1598
Latin Tory Book of Hours Bibles 1524
The Nuremberg Chronicle Bibles 1500
Latin Flemish Psalter Bibles 1500
Latin Kramer Psalter Bibles 1495
Latin Bible - Ottaviano Scotto Bibles 1480
Latin Apocalypse of Saint John Bibles 1470
Gutenberg Bible Bibles 1454
Ratisbon Dominican Bible Bibles 1450
Latin Paupers Bible Bibles 1414
Codex Gigas - Latin Vulgate Bible Medieval Bibles 1300
Vulgata Sistina Latin Bible Bibles 1300
Queen Isabella of England Psalter Bibles 1300
Latin Magdeburg Psalter Bibles 1265
Carrow Psalter Bibles 1250
Nonnberg Convent Psalter Bibles 1250
Polling Psalter Bibles 1236
Golden Munich Psalter Bibles 1200
Claricia Psalter Bibles 1175
Weihenstephan Gospel Bibles 1170
Ottobeuren Gospel Bibles 1165
Honorius Song of Solomon Bibles 1150
Passau Gospel Bibles 1150
Gospel of Lorsch - Evangeliary of Udalrich- Illuminated Bibles 1150
Weingarten Gospel Lectionary Bibles 1130
Benediktbeuern Gospel Bibles 1100
Niederaltaich Gospel Book Bibles 1060
Tegernsee New Testament - Illuminated Bibles 1050
Michaelbeuern Gospels - Illuminated Bibles 1030
Eberhard Psalter - Illuminated Bibles 1025
Reichenau Gospel Bibles 1010
Book of Henry Gospels and Pictures Bibles 1007
Echternach Gospel Lectionary Bibles 1000
Codex of Uta - Gospels Bibles 1000
Ellenhard Canons of the Gospels Bibles 1000
Artors Acts of the Apostles Bibles 975
Heiric of Auxerre Gospels- Illuminated Bibles 950
Corvey Gospel Fragment Bibles 900
Weimar Gospels - Luke and John Bibles 900
The Seville Bible Bibles 900
Bobbio Psalter Bibles 875
Saint Gall Gospels Bibles 850
Ingolstadt Gospel Book - Illuminated Bibles 850
Bamberg Cathedral Gospels Bibles 825
Mainz Gospels Bibles 800
Purple Gospel Bibles 800
Codex Aureus Gospels and Acts Bibles 750
Fragment of Moralia - Job Bibles 700
Augustine Harmony of the Gospels Bibles 700
The Ashburnham Pentateuch Bibles 500
Psalter of Saint Germain Bibles 500
Vulgate Holy Bible Bibles 405
Neo Vulgata Bibles