Moose Cree New Testament
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The text of the Bible in Moose Cree is in the public domain. Moose Cree New Testament © Canadian Bible Society. This New Testament is a reprint of the 1876 edition translated by John Horden. The reprint includes some minor edits and updates. It was published by the Canadian Bible Society in 1991. If you are interested in obtaining a printed copy of this New Testament, please contact the Canadian Bible Society.
Moose Cree is one of the Algonquian languages of Canada in the same family as Algonquin, Ojibwe, Naskapi and Atikamekw, spoken largely at the southern tip of James Bay around Moose Factory. The area is located in what was named Rupert’s Land under British colonial rule. The people in this area were introduced to Christianity by missionaries. Most associated with the Anglican Church although a few Catholic missions were also active. Like other First Nations associated with protestant missions, the speakers of Moose Cree use the Syllabic script developed by James Evans.
Moose Cree is one of the Algonquian languages of Canada in the same family as Algonquin, Ojibwe, Naskapi and Atikamekw, spoken largely at the southern tip of James Bay around Moose Factory. The area is located in what was named Rupert’s Land under British colonial rule. The people in this area were introduced to Christianity by missionaries. Most associated with the Anglican Church although a few Catholic missions were also active. Like other First Nations associated with protestant missions, the speakers of Moose Cree use the Syllabic script developed by James Evans.
indigenous to Southern tip of James Bay, Moosonee, Ontario. Moose Cree, East Cree [crl] and [crj], and Swampy Cree [csw] reside in this community and surrounding area (Moose Factory, Ontario).
Language Moose Cree Ililîmowin [crm]
Date 1876
Copyright Public Domain
Websites we know of that host this Bible.
Canadian Bible Society