Inuinaktun New Testament + (Updated)
Atuutit Qin'ngautillu

The first Anglican Inuinnaqtun Hymn and Prayer Book written by the Late Bishop John Sperry has been rewritten to reflect the newest orthography as presented by Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK). We started thinking that if we want Sperry's works to be read with understanding and to attract the youth and younger adults to church, both of Sperry's works (Hymn and Prayer Book and the Gospels of the Apostles) needed to be revised. From there, I paid a visit to the Late Bishop Sperry while he lived in Hay River to share with him the idea to revise his works for the reasons stated above, and more importantly to get his permission and blessing to do so. Upon agreement, approval and consent, he prayed for the team that would be tasked in cooperation with the Canadian Bible Society. We also took the project idea to the current Bishop of the Arctic for his blessing. Prior to revising the Inuinnaqtun Hymn and Prayer Book, led by the Canadian Bible Society, the Red Book, the Gospels of the Apostles (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) were digitized as written by the Late Bishop Sperry for archival purposes. Translation of the Gospel of Mark has since been completed and processed through the Bible translation processes of the Canadian Bible Society. The team consisting of Minister Paul Williams, Susie Qihuulik Evyagotailak, Millie Qitupana Kuliktana, the Canadian Bible Society and I, Edna Ekhivalak Elias is very pleased to present you these new productions.
indigenous to Central Canadian Arctic, west to Mackenzie Delta and coastal area, including Tuktoyaktuk on the Arctic coast north of Inuvik (but not Inuvik and Aklavik, and coastal area).
Date 1970
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