íslenska [isl]

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Título▲▼ | Tipo▲▼ | Fecha▲▼ |
The Bible in Icelandic (Islenska)Biblián Heilög Ritning | Biblias | 2007 |
Open Icelandic Living New Testament and PsalmsOpna Lifandi Orð Nýja testamentið og Sálmarnir | Biblias | 1995 |
Icelandic Bible 1981Biblían (1981) | Biblias | 1981 |
Icelandic BibleHljóðbók Biblian | Biblias | 1908 |
New Testament (New Translation)Nýja Testamentið (Ný Þýðing) | Biblias | 1906 |
Icelandic (London) BibleHeilög Ritning Lundúnabiblían | Biblias | 1866 |
Reykjavik BibleReykjavíkurbiblía | Biblias | 1859 |
The little book of lifeLitla lífsbókin | Recursos | |
Words of Life | Recursos | |
The Story of Jesus for Children | Películas | |
JESUS | Películas | |
Magdalena - Director's Cut | Películas |
Título | Tipo | Fecha |
The Bible in Icelandic (Islenska) | Biblias | 2007 |
Open Icelandic Living New Testament and Psalms | Biblias | 1995 |
Icelandic Bible 1981 | Biblias | 1981 |
Icelandic Bible | Biblias | 1908 |
New Testament (New Translation) | Biblias | 1906 |
Icelandic (London) Bible | Biblias | 1866 |
Reykjavik Bible | Biblias | 1859 |
The little book of life | Recursos | |
Words of Life | Recursos | |
The Story of Jesus for Children | Películas | |
JESUS | Películas | |
Magdalena - Director's Cut | Películas |