English (1815) Synopsis of the Gospels (Charles Thompson) Gospels | United States | Bible Link |
English (1820) Wakefield New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1822) Epistles of Paul (Belsham) Study Bible - Vol.1-4 NT Epistles | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1808) Newcomes Corrected New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1767) Liberal Translation of the New Testament (Vol 1-2) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1823) Kneeland New Testament | United States | Bible Link |
English (1640) Bay Psalter Bible - Psalms Facsimile | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1824) A New Family Bible (Vol. 1 of 3) Boothroyd (Study) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1824) A New Family Bible (Vol. 2 of 3) Boothroyd (Study) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1824) A New Family Bible (Vol. 3 of 3) Boothroyd (Study) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Arabic (1867) Van Dyck New Testament | Saudi Arabia | Bible Link |
English (1568) Bishops Bible - NT (text) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1568) Bishops Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1572) Bishops Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1535) Coverdale Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1610) Douay Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1752) Douay-Rheims (Challoner) Bible - Vol.1-2 | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1557) Geneva Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1615) Geneva Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1560) Geneva Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1599) Geneva Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1824) Campbells Gospels (Vol. 1-4) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1540) Great Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1773) New Literal Old Testament Translation (Bate) OT Portions | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1611) KJV Old Testament (with Translators Notes) OT | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1611) King James Version (facsimilie) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1772) KJV (1769 Revision) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1537) Matthews Bible Text | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1537) Matthews Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1825) Family Expositer New Testament (Doddridge) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1764) Purver Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1807) Negro Slave Bible | United States | Bible Link |
English (1539) Taverner Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1808) The Septuagint Old Testamant Translation (Charles Thomson) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1526) Tyndale New Testament (Facsimilie) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1526) Tyndale's New Testament (reprint) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1580) Tyndales Five Books of Moses - OT Portions | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1745) Primitive New Testament (Whiston) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1425) Wycliffe New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1810) Wycliffe New Testament (Henry Baber Edition) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1699) Baxters Paraphrase New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1754) Wesleys New Testament (with Notes) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1805) National Comprehensive Family Bible (Study) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Turkish (1819) New Testament | Turkey | Bible Link |
English (1796) Worchister Bible - Abriged | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Hebrew (0900) Damascus Codex (HighRes) Manuscript | Israel | Bible Link |
Chinese Ningpo (1853) Luke (latin) | China | Bible Link |
Chinese Ningpo (1853) Matthew (latin) | China | Bible Link |
Swedish (1918) Apocrypha | Sweden | Bible Link |
Kurdish (1872) New Testament | Iraq | Bible Link |
Hebrew (1817) Hebrew New Testament (Alexander) | Israel | Bible Link |
English (1871) Folsom Four Gospels - Gospels | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Welsh (1821) Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Ambonese (1852) Matthew | India | Bible Link |
Braid Scots (1904) Smith's New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Scots (1916) Paterson's Proverbs | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1861) Literal Translation of Vatican Manuscripts (Heinfetter) Vol.1-2 - NT Portions | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Chinese-English (1885) Mandarin KJV Diglot New Testament (Shanghai) (Print) | China | Bible Link |
English (1869) Noyles New Testament (Tischendorf) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1891) Psalms (DeWitt) Translation Bible - Psalms | United States | Bible Link |
Greek (1906) Hexaglot Bible (Eng Fre Ger Lat Heb) Vol 1-6 | Greece | Bible Link |
Greek-English (1882) Scrivener Parallel New Testament | Greece | Bible Link |
Nipissing (1859) Bible Portions (Central Ojibwa) | Canada | Bible Link |
English (1790) Christian Complete Family Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Tuvulu BSSP Bible (Portion) | Kenya | Bible Link |
Tamil (1995) Genesis Portion | India | Bible Link |
Sanskrit (1886) New Testament | India | Bible Link |
Portuguese (1681) Novo Testamento Almeida | Portugal | Bible Link |
Basque (1887) John | Spain | Bible Link |
Beami - Genesis Portion | Papua New Guinea | Bible Link |
Japanese (1892) Bible Kyshin Yaku Zensho | Japan | Bible Link |
Tsonga (1996) Genesis Portion | South Africa | Bible Link |
Spanish (1994) Dios Habla Hoy New Testament | Spain | Bible Link |
Spanish (1964) New Testmant Study | Spain | Bible Link |
Chinook (1912) Mark | United States | Bible Link |
English (1858) Imperial Family Bible (Study) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1859) Self Explanatory Family Bible (Brown) Study | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Marathi (1853) Genesis | India | Bible Link |
Albanian (1872) New Testament | Albania | Bible Link |
Uduk (1983) Genesis Portion | Sudan | Bible Link |
Adzera (2007) Genesis | Papua New Guinea | Bible Link |
Karen (1926) Genesis Portion (Pwo-Karen) | Myanmar | Bible Link |
Esperanto (1900) Bible (La Sankat Biblio) | Poland | Bible Link |
Greek-English (1879) Septuagint Old Testament | Greece | Bible Link |
Tibetan (2006) Mark | China | Bible Link |
Nicobar (1890) Matthew | India | Bible Link |
Sanscrit (1848) Bible (Vol 1-4 and NT) | India | Bible Link |
Greek (1906) Old Testament in Greek (Codex Vaticanus) Vol 1-9 - OT | Greece | Bible Link |
Punu (1994) Genesis Portion | Peru | Bible Link |
German (1784) Luther Bible | Germany | Bible Link |
German (1919) Streitberg Gothic Bible | Germany | Bible Link |
Gothic-Greek (1908) New Testament | Germany | Bible Link |
English (1898) Stevens Epistles Bible - Pauls Epistles | United States | Bible Link |
English (1918) Shorter (Kent) New Testament | United States | Bible Link |
English (1921) Shorter (Kent) Old New Testament - OT | United States | Bible Link |
Cheyenne (2007) Bible | United States | Bible Link |
Basque (1894) OT | Spain | Bible Link |
Coptic (1898) Psalter (dialect of Upper Egypt) Psalms | Egypt | Bible Link |
German (1903) Luther Bible | Germany | Bible Link |
Italian (1828) Vulgate Bible | Italy | Bible Link |
Lenape (1821) Delaware Gospels | United States | Bible Link |
English (1869) Readers New Testament (Alford) Vol. 1-4 | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
French (1899) La Saitne Bible (Louis Segond) | France | Bible Link |
English (1966) Fenton Holy Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Kodiak (2005) Matthew | United States | Bible Link |
Aleut (1902) John | United States | Bible Link |
Atkan (1861) Mark | United States | Bible Link |
Dinka (2014) Matthew | South Sudan | Bible Link |
Creek (1885) Epistles | United States | Bible Link |
Greek (1809) Novum Testamentum (Griesbach) Vol. 1-2 | Greece | Bible Link |
Kiribati (1907) Bible | Kiribati | Bible Link |
English (1851) Commonly Received New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Greek (1860) Novum Testamentum (Alexandrinus Codex) | Greece | Bible Link |
Omaha (1868) Scripture Portions | United States | Bible Link |
English (1864) Phonetic New Testament | United States | Bible Link |
Pohnpeian (1882) Joshua (Ponape - Puk en Jojua) | Micronesia | Bible Link |
Kunama (2009) John | Eritrea | Bible Link |
Gujarati (1864) New Testament | India | Bible Link |
Efate (1877) Luke | Vanuatu | Bible Link |
Efate(1885) John | Vanuatu | Bible Link |
English (1902) Twentieth Century Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Arikara (1905) Scripture Portions and Hymns | United States | Bible Link |
Greek-English (1859) Critical New Testament (Scholz and Griesbah) | Greece | Bible Link |
Belarusan (1973) Genesis Portion (Greatlitvan) | Belarus | Bible Link |
English (1902) Amercian Bible (Ballentine) NT Portions | United States | Bible Link |
Toba-Batak (1859) luke | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Polish (2009) New Testament | Poland | Bible Link |
English (1898) Young's Literal Translation of the Holy Scriptures | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Welsh (1879) New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Greek Modern (1991) New Testament (Book) | Greece | Bible Link |
Gothic (1891) First Germain Bible - Bishop Ulfilas (310 ca.) | Germany | Bible Link |
English (1841) New Literal Translation of Epistles (Macknight) Epistles | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1836) Adam Clarke Study Bible 6 Vol. (Vol. 1-4) - OT | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1886) Bartlett Bible - Vol.1-2 | United States | Bible Link |
Latin (1848) Beza New Testament | Holy See Vatican | Bible Link |
Greek (1810) Modern-Ancient New Testament | Greece | Bible Link |
English (1922) Moffatt New Testament | United States | Bible Link |
Greek (1930) Robertson Expositers New Testament (Vol 1-5) | Greece | Bible Link |
Bhili Akra (1854) Bible Portions and Stories | India | Bible Link |
Bimoba (1996) Genesis Portion | Ghana | Bible Link |
Konkomba (1997) Genesis Portion | Ghana | Bible Link |
Italian (1879) New Testament Diodati | Italy | Bible Link |
English (1858) Pictorial Expository Family Bible (Vol. 1 of 3) Study | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1837) Four Gospels Translation (Campbell) Bible - Vol.1-2 Gospels | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1830) Common (Palfrey) New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Welsh (1847) New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1901) ASV Cross Reference Bible | United States | Bible Link |
Greek (1881) Westcott-Hort New Testament | Greece | Bible Link |
English (1846) The Illuminated Bible (Study) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1933) The Four Gospels (Torrey) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1853) Tanach Hebrew Bible (Leeser) | United States | Bible Link |
Coptic Northern (1898) New Testament (GW Horner) Vol 1-4 | Egypt | Bible Link |
Coptic Southen (1910) New Testament Vol 1-6) | Egypt | Bible Link |
English (1881) Pictorial (Abbots) New Testament Study Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Sangir (1896) Acts | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Gbaya Southwest (1948) Genesis Portion | Central African Republic | Bible Link |
Greek-English (1896) Englishman's New Testament (Stephens and KJV) | Greece | Bible Link |
English (1904) The Gospels in Art (Shaw) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1902) The Old Testament in Art (Shaw) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1883) Newberry Study Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1885) The Companion Study Bible (Study) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Sursurunga (1979) Genesis Portion | Papua New Guinea | Bible Link |
Makassar (1874) John | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Ngaju (1846) New Testament | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Portuguese (1821) Bible Figueiredo | Portugal | Bible Link |
French (1831) Sacy New Testament | France | Bible Link |
Spanish (1824) La Biblia Sagrada | Spain | Bible Link |
Ojibway-English (1897) Matthew | Canada | Bible Link |
English Shorthand (1890) Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Limbu (2009) New Testament | Nepal | Bible Link |
Greek (1844) Catenae Graecorum Patrum - Novum Testamentum (Cramer) Vol 1-8 | Greece | Bible Link |
Greek (1877) Tischendorf Novum Testamentum (8th edition) | Greece | Bible Link |
Ga (1854) Bible Portions and Stories | Ghana | Bible Link |
Nez Perce (1914) Gospels | United States | Bible Link |
Muskogee (1835) Gospels | United States | Bible Link |
Scottish Gaelic (1891) Psalms | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1862) Sharpe New Testament (Griesbach) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1893) Book of Psalms Metrical Version Bible - Psalms | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Italian (1665) New Testament | Italy | Bible Link |
English (1914) Douay Holy Bible (Catholic) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1852) Jewish School Family Bible Vol. 1-4 - OT | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Irish (1859) Pentateuch with Notes (John MacHale) | Ireland | Bible Link |
Japanese (1998) Genesis Portion (New Interconfessional) | Japan | Bible Link |
Mohawk (1880) Gospels | Canada | Bible Link |
Iroquois (1880) Gospels | Canada | Bible Link |
English (1894) Great Psalter Bible - Psalms | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1866) Anderson New Testament | United States | Bible Link |
English (1874) Polyglot Gospels Bible - 4 Versions Gospels | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Gothic (1874) Gospels Parallel Anglo-Saxon Wycliffe and Tyndale | Germany | Bible Link |
Greek-English (1830) St. John Interlinear (Friederici) John | Greece | Bible Link |
Ottawa (1835) Genesis Portion | Canada | Bible Link |
Makassar (1864) Matthew | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Acholi (1985) Genesis Portion | Uganda | Bible Link |
Coptic (1916) Psalter (Freer Collection) - Psalms | Egypt | Bible Link |
Kashmiri (1899) Genesis Portion | India | Bible Link |
Hawaiian (1903) New Testament | United States | Bible Link |
Hawaiian-English (1859) Diglot New Testament | United States | Bible Link |
Hawaiian-English (1902) New Testament | United States | Bible Link |
Korean (1993) Genesis Portion | South Korea | Bible Link |
Kurti (1999) Genesis Portion | Papua New Guinea | Bible Link |
Jula (1996) Genesis Portion (Dununya damina kitabu) | Côte d'Ivoire | Bible Link |
Spanish (1560) Bible - facsimilie | Spain | Bible Link |
Spanish (1622) Bible | Spain | Bible Link |
Spanish (1569) Reina Valera Bible | Spain | Bible Link |
Guro (1979) Genesis Portion | Côte d'Ivoire | Bible Link |
French (1896) Gospels (Louis-Claude Fillion) - Gospels | France | Bible Link |
Greek (1896) Tischendorf Novem Testamentum (Vol. 1-9) 7th and 8th (Study Bible) NT | Greece | Bible Link |
English (1855) Translation of The Gospels (Nortan) Bible - Vol.1-2 Gospels | United States | Bible Link |
English (1903) The Numerical Study Bible - Vol.1-7 Fill | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Chinese (1823) Morrison New Testmant | China | Bible Link |
English (1861) Holy Scriptures of the Old Covenant (Wellbeloved) - OT Portions | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1863) Holy Gospels (Brameld) Gospels | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1935) Westminster New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Telugu (1869) New Testament | India | Bible Link |
Hebrew (0895) Cairo Codex (facsimilie) | Israel | Bible Link |
Romansch (1818) Bible | Switzerland | Bible Link |
Maliseet (1863) Portions | Canada | Bible Link |
Spanish (2012) RVI and RV1909 New Testament Diglot | Spain | Bible Link |
Kalispel (1879) Bible Portions | United States | Bible Link |
Babatana (1998) Genesis Portion | Solomon Islands | Bible Link |
Papiamento (1844) Matthew | Curaçao | Bible Link |
Chichewa (1966) Genesis Portion | Malawi | Bible Link |
Rarotongan (1851) Bible (Biblia Tapu Ra) | Cook Islands | Bible Link |
Sabaot (1993) Genesis Portion | Kenya | Bible Link |
Rendille (1998) Genesis Portion | Kenya | Bible Link |
Dakota (1887) Bible | United States | Bible Link |
Nyanja (1966) Genesis Portion (Chichewa) | Malawi | Bible Link |
English (1869) Devotional and Practical Polyglott Bible (Study) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Loloda (1915) Matthew | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Loloda - Papuan (1915) Matthew | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Angkola (1879) Mark | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Batak Angkola (1917) Old Testament Portions | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Frisian (1978) Genesis Portion | Netherlands | Bible Link |
Batak Toba (1859) Luke | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Batak Toba (1867) Mark | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Batak Toba (1867) Matthew | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Bugis (1863) Matthew | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Bugis (1891) Psalms | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Bugis (1892) Exodus (Het Boek Exodus) | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Bugis (1895) Joshua-Ruth | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Bugis (1897) Lev-Deu | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Bugis (1898) Ezekiel-Daniel | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Hamtai - Genesis Portion (print) | Papua New Guinea | Bible Link |
Kankanay Northern (1979) Genesis Portion | Philippines | Bible Link |
Mamanwa (1983) Genesis Portion | Philippines | Bible Link |
Lijili (1980) Genesis Portion | Nigeria | Bible Link |
Norwegian (1922) Apocrypha | Norway | Bible Link |
Spanish (1854) La Biblia Sagrada Bible | Spain | Bible Link |
Spanish (1856) Cotejada Cuidadosamente Biblia | Spain | Bible Link |
Mangareva (1908) Gospels | French Polynesia | Bible Link |
English (1807) Christians Complete Family Bible (Study) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Binumarien (1976) Genesis Portion | Papua New Guinea | Bible Link |
English (1901) Scofield Reference Bible (Study) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Gothic-Latin (1750) Gospels (Codex Argenteus) | Germany | Bible Link |
Cherokee (1856) Genesis | United States | Bible Link |
English (1851) Oriental Bible (Cobbin) Study | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1822) Critical Commentary Study Bible (Patrick) 6 Vol (Vol. 1-3) | United States | Bible Link |
English (1822) Critical Commentary Study Bible (Patrick) 6 Vol (Vol. 4-6) | United States | Bible Link |
English (1800) Christian's New and Complete British Family Bible (Study) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Italian (1641) Bible (La sacra Bibbia) | Italy | Bible Link |
Jawa - Genesis (Book) | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Javanese (1800) New Testament | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Bengali-English (1819) Gospels (Diglot) | India | Bible Link |
German (1847) Luther Bible | Germany | Bible Link |
Duala-German (1901) New Testament | Cameroon | Bible Link |
Latin (1743) Vulgate and Old Bible - Bibliorum Sacrorum Diglot | Holy See Vatican | Bible Link |
Swahili (1995) Genesis Portion | Tanzania | Bible Link |
English (1873) Cambridge Paragraph KJV Study Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1882) Parallel New Testament KJV1611 RV1881 Greek (Scrivener) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Dakota (1897) Bible Portions | United States | Bible Link |
English (1902) Godbey New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1851) Portable Folio Family Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Temne (1904) Acts | Sierra Leone | Bible Link |
Syriac (1890) Triglot Bible Vol 1 - Old Testament | Iraq | Bible Link |
Syriac (1890) Triglot Bible Vol 2 - New Testament | Iraq | Bible Link |
Greek (1890) Triglot Bible (Vol. 1-2) Hebrew Latin | Greece | Bible Link |
English (1902) Weymouth New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
German (1870) Die Bibel | Germany | Bible Link |
English (1804) Blackader Study Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Welsh (1850) Salesbury's New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1836) The Prophets (Lowth) Bible - Vol.1-5 OT Prophets | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Latin (2009) Vulgate Bible | Holy See Vatican | Bible Link |
French-Breton (1886) Testamant Nevez Diglot (Ostervald) | France | Bible Link |
Mohawk (1839) Psalms | Canada | Bible Link |
English (1893) Rotherham New Testmant | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Greek-English (1871) Apocrypha in Parallel Columns - Apocrypha | Greece | Bible Link |
English (1860) Bagsters Polyglott Study Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1872) Polyglot Study Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Greek-English (1864) New Testament Emphatic Diaglot | Greece | Bible Link |
Greek-English (1864) TwoFold Parallel New Testament (Green) | Greece | Bible Link |
Greek-English (1894) New Testament Interlinear | Greece | Bible Link |
English (1841) Hexapla Study Bible - 6 Full Versions | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1870) Emphatic Diaglott New Testament (with Greek) Study Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Finnish (1852) BIble | Finland | Bible Link |
Spanish (1884) Santa Biblia Revisada | Spain | Bible Link |
Urdu (1870) Psalms | Pakistan | Bible Link |
Creek (1835) Gospels | United States | Bible Link |
Micmac (1875) New Testament Portions | Canada | Bible Link |
Blackfoot (1890) Genesis and Portions | Canada | Bible Link |
Chipewyan (1900) Acts | Canada | Bible Link |
Chippewa (1854) New Testament | United States | Bible Link |
Haida (1893) Old Testament Portions | Canada | Bible Link |
Ojibwa (1850) Gospels | Canada | Bible Link |
Ojibwa (1880) Matthew | Canada | Bible Link |
Tswana Serolong (1907) New Testament | Botswana | Bible Link |
Yoruba (1879) Psalms and Portions | Nigeria | Bible Link |
English (1851) Murdoch New Testament (Syriac Peshito) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Lepcha (1977) Genesis Portion | India | Bible Link |
Avokaya (1986) Genesis Portion | South Sudan | Bible Link |
Italian (1855) New Testamant study | Italy | Bible Link |
Gujarati (1856) Psalms | India | Bible Link |
Kongo (1897) New Testament | DR Congo | Bible Link |
Paiwan (1993) Genesis Portion (Vinqacan) | Taiwan | Bible Link |
Amis (1981) Genesis Portion | Taiwan | Bible Link |
English (1918) Reference Passage New Testament Study Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1924) Centenary Translation (Montgomery) of New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Oriya (1875) New Testament | India | Bible Link |
Sinhala (1938) Genesis Portion | Sri Lanka | Bible Link |
Coptic (1898) New Testament | Egypt | Bible Link |
Gothic (1882) Mark | Germany | Bible Link |
Greek (1882) He Kaine Diatheke Novum Testamentum (with references) | Greece | Bible Link |
Singalese (1817) New Testament | India | Bible Link |
Sinhala (1868) John | India | Bible Link |
English (1922) Yawist Bible - OT Portions | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Dinka Rek (2010) New Testament | Sudan | Bible Link |
Dinka Southwest (2010) New Testament | Sudan | Bible Link |
English (1907) The Modern Readers Bible (Moulton) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Tamil (1851) Matthew | India | Bible Link |
Tamil (1860) Bible | India | Bible Link |
Kashmiri (1821) New Testament (Devanagari इंजील, कॉशुर) | India | Bible Link |
Vikanera (William Carrey) New Testament | India | Bible Link |
Dakota (1891) Psalms | United States | Bible Link |
Punjabi (1849) Genesis - Exodus | India | Bible Link |
Urdu (1855) Psalms (Zabúr aur gít) | Pakistan | Bible Link |
Hindi (1851) Old Testament | India | Bible Link |
Mondori (1876) Mark | India | Bible Link |
English (1918) New Testament from Sinaitic Manuscripts (Anderson) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1897) Emphasised Study Bible (Rotherham) Vol. 1-4 | United States | Bible Link |
Greek-English (1897) Interlinear Literal Translation - Greek New Testament | Greece | Bible Link |
Greek (1896) Swete Old Testament (Septuagint) Vol 1-3 - OT | Greece | Bible Link |
Maliseet (1870) John | Canada | Bible Link |
English (1850) Wycliffe Bible (Forshall Madden Edition) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1899) Two Version Bible (KJV and RV in Margin) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Mohawk (1835) Acts | Canada | Bible Link |
Garifuna (1857) Matthew | Honduras | Bible Link |
English (1904) Jefferson Gospels (Latin Greek French) - Gospels copy | United States | Bible Link |
French (1904) Jefferson Gospels (Latin Greek Engilsh) - Gospels | France | Bible Link |
Hebrew (1669) Lexicon Heptaglotton Vol. 1 of 2 | Israel | Bible Link |
Hebrew (1669) Lexicon Heptaglotton Vol. 2 of 2 | Israel | Bible Link |
Icelandic (1982) Genesis Portion | Iceland | Bible Link |
Latin (1543) Biblia Sacrosancta | Holy See Vatican | Bible Link |
Bullom (1816) Matthew | Bulgaria | Bible Link |
Albanian (1910) Luke | Albania | Bible Link |
Albanian (1912) Exodus | Albania | Bible Link |
Albanian (1912) Proverbs | Albania | Bible Link |
Algonquin (1844) Matthew and Acts | Canada | Bible Link |
Nguja (1858) Genesis - Esther | Tonga | Bible Link |
Nguja (1858) Job - Malachi | Tonga | Bible Link |
Nias (1911) Bible | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Sunda (1877) New Testament | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Sunda (1891) New Testament | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Sunda (1891) Old Testament | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Swahili (1883) New Testament | Tanzania | Bible Link |
Toba-Batak (1867) Acts | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Toba-Batak (1867) Mark | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Toba-Batak (1867) Matthew | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Windessi (1915) Stories | Indonesia | Bible Link |
English (1886) Parallel Bible (KJV and RV) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1911) Hexaplar Psalter Bible - Psalms | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
German (1863) Polyglot Bible - Vol 1 Books of Moses | Germany | Bible Link |
German (1863) Polyglot Bible - Vol 2.1 Historic Books | Germany | Bible Link |
German (1863) Polyglot Bible - Vol 3.1 Poetic Books | Germany | Bible Link |
German (1863) Polyglot Bible - Vol 3.2 Other Books | Germany | Bible Link |
German (1863) Polyglot Bible - Vol 4 NT | Germany | Bible Link |
German (1863) Polyglotten Bibel (Vol 1-4) | Germany | Bible Link |
German (1904) New Testament | Germany | Bible Link |
English (1861) Pictorial Bible (Vol. 1) Genesis - Joshua (Study) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1861) Pictorial Bible (Vol. 2) Judges - Job (Study) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1861) Pictorial Bible (Vol. 3) Psalms - Malachi (Study) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1861) Pictorial Bible (Vol. 4) New Tesament (Study) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Maori (1868) Bible | New Zealand | Bible Link |
Maori (1868) New Testament | New Zealand | Bible Link |
Saulteaux (1900) Portions | Canada | Bible Link |
Finnish (1914) New Testament | Finland | Bible Link |
Duala (1800) New Testament | Cameroon | Bible Link |
Gaelic (1901) New Testament in Scots Vol 1-3 | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Scots (1901) Nesbit's New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Tsimshian - John (Book) | Canada | Bible Link |
Syriac (1910) Gospels Sinai or Syro-Antiochene Palimpsest - Gospels | Iraq | Bible Link |
English (1862) Christian Soldiers Penny Bible | United States | Bible Link |
Tai Dam (1988) Genesis Portion | Vietnam | Bible Link |
Kaonde (2001) Matthew | Zambia | Bible Link |
Turkish - New Testament book | Turkey | Bible Link |
Grebo (1987) Genesis Portion (Northern) | Liberia | Bible Link |
English (1846) Phonotypic New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Accra - John (Book) | Ghana | Bible Link |
Adi - New Testament (Book) | India | Bible Link |
Adygei - New Testament (Book) | Russia | Bible Link |
Akha (1991) Bible | Myanmar | Bible Link |
Akuapem - New Testament (Book) | Ghana | Bible Link |
Algonquin - John (Book) | Canada | Bible Link |
Altai - New Testament (Book) | Russia | Bible Link |
Amharic - Bible (Book) | Ethiopia | Bible Link |
Aneityum - Psalms (Book) | Vanuatu | Bible Link |
Apache West - New Testament (Book) | United States | Bible Link |
Asante - Bible (Book) | Ghana | Bible Link |
Assyrian - John (Book) | Iraq | Bible Link |
Assyrian - New Testament (Book) | Iraq | Bible Link |
Atikamekw - Mark (Book) | Canada | Bible Link |
Azerbaijan Caucasus - Luke (Book) | Iran | Bible Link |
Balantak - Mark (Book) | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Banggai - New Testament (Book) | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Bangla - John (Book) | India | Bible Link |
Bantu (Nkobô Bulu) - John (Book) | Cameroon | Bible Link |
Bashkir - John (Book) | Russia | Bible Link |
Bezhta - Luke (Book) | Russia | Bible Link |
Bhili Pawri - Mark (Book) | India | Bible Link |
Binumarien - Genesis (Book) | Papua New Guinea | Bible Link |
Bribri - Genesis (Book) | Costa Rica | Bible Link |
Bulgarian - New Testament (Book) | Bulgaria | Bible Link |
Burmese - New Testament (Book) | Myanmar | Bible Link |
Buryat - New Testament (Book) | Russia | Bible Link |
Catalan - New Testament (Book) | Spain | Bible Link |
Cebuano - John (Book) | Philippines | Bible Link |
Cebuano - New Testament (Book) | Philippines | Bible Link |
Chaldean - Mark (Book) | Iraq | Bible Link |
Chambeali - Luke (Book) | India | Bible Link |
Chechen - John (Book) | Russia | Bible Link |
Chipewyan - Matthew (Book) | Canada | Bible Link |
Chontal Sierra Oaxaca (1991) New Testament | Mexico | Bible Link |
Chukot (2003) Luke | Russia | Bible Link |
Chuvash - John (Book) | Russia | Bible Link |
Cree West (Latin) John (Book) | Canada | Bible Link |
Cuicateco (1974) New Testament | Mexico | Bible Link |
Cuicateco Teutila (2011) New Testament | Mexico | Bible Link |
Czech - Genesis (Book) | Czechia | Bible Link |
Czech - John (Book) | Czechia | Bible Link |
Dari Bible (Book) | Afghanistan | Bible Link |
Dari - New Testament (Book) | Afghanistan | Bible Link |
Dehu - John (Book) | New Caledonia | Bible Link |
Dhatki - Luke (Book) | Pakistan | Bible Link |
Dolgan (2002) Luke | Russia | Bible Link |
Dong - Portions (Book) | Nigeria | Bible Link |
Ekegusii - New Testament (Book) | Kenya | Bible Link |
English (1900) KJV - Pure Cambridge Edition (Book) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Esperanto - John (Book) | Poland | Bible Link |
Even (2001) Luke | Russia | Bible Link |
Evenki (2001) Luke | China | Bible Link |
Ewe - Bible (Book) | Ghana | Bible Link |
Ewe - John (Book) | Ghana | Bible Link |
Ewe - New Testament (Book) | Ghana | Bible Link |
Faroese - John (Print) | Faroe Islands | Bible Link |
Faroese - Matthew (Book) | Faroe Islands | Bible Link |
Farsi - Bible (Book) | Iran | Bible Link |
Fijian - New Testament (Book) | Fiji | Bible Link |
French (1744) La Sainte Bible (Martin Version) Book | France | Bible Link |
Gagauzi - John (Book) | Moldova | Bible Link |
Gilaki (2012) John | Iran | Bible Link |
Greek (1872) Tischendorf Novum Testamentum (8th Edition) (Book) | Greece | Bible Link |
Guanano (2010) New Testament | Colombia | Bible Link |
Gullah (2005) Sea Island Creole - New Testament | United States | Bible Link |
Gun Alada - John (Book) | Benin | Bible Link |
Haitian - John (Book) | Haiti | Bible Link |
Halbi - Mark (Book) | India | Bible Link |
Hausa - New Testament (Book) | Nigeria | Bible Link |
Hiligaynon - New Testament- Suno Kay Mateo - Bungna (Book) | Philippines | Bible Link |
Hindi (1970) Bible (Dharmasastra) | India | Bible Link |
Inner Mongolian - Mark (Book) | China | Bible Link |
Itelmen - Luke (2002) (Book) | Russia | Bible Link |
Japanese - Bible (Book) | Japan | Bible Link |
Japanese - John (Book) | Japan | Bible Link |
Javanese - Genesis (Book) | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Jawa - John (Book) | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Jicaque (2010) New Testament | Honduras | Bible Link |
Kabyle - New Testament (Book) | Algeria | Bible Link |
Kachin - New Testament (Book) | Myanmar | Bible Link |
Kalmyk - John (Book) | Russia | Bible Link |
Kalmyk - New Testament (Book) | Russia | Bible Link |
Kambera - New Testament (Book) | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Karachay - Mark (Book) | Russia | Bible Link |
Karbi - John (Book) | India | Bible Link |
Kashmiri - John (Book) | India | Bible Link |
Kazakh - New Testament (Book) | Kazakhstan | Bible Link |
Kelabit - Luke (Book) | Malaysia | Bible Link |
Khakas - John (Book) | Russia | Bible Link |
Khmer - New Testament (Book) | Cambodia | Bible Link |
Korean - Bible - Unicode (Book) | South Korea | Bible Link |
Koryak (2005) Luke | Russia | Bible Link |
Lao - John (Book) | Laos | Bible Link |
Lisu - Mark (Book) | China | Bible Link |
Lisu - New Testament (Book) | China | Bible Link |
Lithuanian-English Interlinear - Bible (Book) | Lithuania | Bible Link |
Luganda - Bible (Book) | Uganda | Bible Link |
Luganda - NT (Book) | Uganda | Bible Link |
Luo - NT (Book) | Ghana | Bible Link |
Luo - Psalms (Book) | Ghana | Bible Link |
Luyia - John (Book) | Kenya | Bible Link |
Maanyan - NT (Book) | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Maranao - Bible (Book) | Philippines | Bible Link |
Maranao - New Testament (Book) | Philippines | Bible Link |
Marathi - New Testament (Book) | India | Bible Link |
Marwari - John (Book) | Pakistan | Bible Link |
Mentawai - New Testament (Book) | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Mien - New Testament (Book) | China | Bible Link |
Mongolian - Ariun Bibli Bible (Book) | Mongolia | Bible Link |
Mongolian - New Testament (Book) | Mongolia | Bible Link |
Nalca - New Testament (Book) | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Nanai (2002) Luke | Russia | Bible Link |
Naskapi - John (Book) | Canada | Bible Link |
Ndebele - New Testament (Book) | Zimbabwe | Bible Link |
Nenets (2004) Luke | Russia | Bible Link |
Nepali (2006) WBTC New Testament | Nepal | Bible Link |
Ngalum - New Testament (Book) | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Orma-(2000)-Genesis | Kenya | Bible Link |
Oromo (Latin) John (Book) | Ethiopia | Bible Link |
Ossetic - John (Book) | Russia | Bible Link |
Paiute North - New Testament (Book) | United States | Bible Link |
Papago Pima (2010) New Testament | United States | Bible Link |
Quiche West Central (2011) New Testament | Guatemala | Bible Link |
Rarotongan - Genesis Portion | Cook Islands | Bible Link |
Sami - John (Book) | Finland | Bible Link |
Serawai - New Testament (Book) | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Shan (2007) New Testament and Psalms | Myanmar | Bible Link |
Shan - John (Book) | Myanmar | Bible Link |
Shor (2004) Mark | Russia | Bible Link |
Siau (Sangir) - New Testament (Book) | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Somali - Bible (Book) | Somalia | Bible Link |
Sougb - New Testament (Book) | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Sunda - John (Book) | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Swahili - New Testament (Book) | Tanzania | Bible Link |
Tagalog - John (Book) | Philippines | Bible Link |
Tai Dam - New Testament (Book) | Vietnam | Bible Link |
Tajik - Gospels (Book) | Tajikistan | Bible Link |
Tatar Crimean - John (Book) | Russia | Bible Link |
Tatar - John (Book) | Russia | Bible Link |
Tatar - New Testament (Book) | Russia | Bible Link |
Tibetan - Luke (Book) | China | Bible Link |
Tigrinya - New Testament (Book) | Ethiopia | Bible Link |
Tuvin - John (Book) | Russia | Bible Link |
Tuvin - New Testament (Book) | Russia | Bible Link |
Ut Danum - New Testament (Book) | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Uyghur (2005) Genesis Exodus New Testament | China | Bible Link |
Uyghur - Genesis (Book) | China | Bible Link |
Uzbek (2006) Bible (Latin) | Uzbekistan | Bible Link |
Vietnamese - John (Book) | Vietnam | Bible Link |
Yaqui (2009) New Testament | Mexico | Bible Link |
Zapoteco Lachixio (2010) New Testament | Mexico | Bible Link |
Genesis-Abua Genesis Portion | Philippines | Bible Link |
Are (1925) Genesis Portion (Mukawa) | Solomon Islands | Bible Link |
Arranta Western (1997) Genesis Portion | Australia | Bible Link |
Awabakal (1892) Genesis Portion | Australia | Bible Link |
Breton (1897) Genesis Portion | France | Bible Link |
Chin Thado (1983) Genesis Portion | India | Bible Link |
Chinese (1900) Min Zhong Genesis Portion | China | Bible Link |
Chinese Ningpo Colloquial Wu Genesis Portion | China | Bible Link |
Eastern Gurung (1994) Genesis Portion | Nepal | Bible Link |
Efate (1874) South Genesis Portion | Vanuatu | Bible Link |
Egypt Arabic (1992) Standard Genesis Portion | Egypt | Bible Link |
French (1988) Genesis Portion | France | Bible Link |
Gurung (1987) (Nepal) Western Genesis Portion | Nepal | Bible Link |
Hmong Njua (1992) Phoo Chivkeeb Genesis Portion | Laos | Bible Link |
Inuktitut (1925) Eastern Canadian Eskimo (Labrador Dialect) Genesis Portion | Canada | Bible Link |
Inuktitut (1934) Eastern Canadian Eskimo Genesis Portion | Canada | Bible Link |
Iwam (1989) Sepik God Siya Nonkokwim Dikworaikwo Homkakar Genesis Portion | Papua New Guinea | Bible Link |
Ixil (1982) La Creacion Y Los Primeros Habitantes En Ixil De Chjul Genesis Portion | Guatemala | Bible Link |
Khana Jenesis Genesis Portion | Nigeria | Bible Link |
Kikamba (1974) Genesis Portion | Kenya | Bible Link |
Latvian (1992) Bibeles Biedriba Genesis Portion | Latvia | Bible Link |
Lithuanian (1998) Genesis Portion | Lithuania | Bible Link |
Mengaka - Genesis Portion | Cameroon | Bible Link |
Muskogee (1816) Genesis Portion | United States | Bible Link |
Nyore (1990) Esitapu Siokhuranga Sia Musa Esilangwa Genesis Portion | Kenya | Bible Link |
Genesis-Otomi Genesis Portion | Mexico | Bible Link |
Pashto (1890) Pentateuch In Pashtu Northern Genesis Portion | Pakistan | Bible Link |
Genesis-Petats (1974) Genesis Portion | Papua New Guinea | Bible Link |
Sena (1981) Chisena Malawi Genesis Portion | Mozambique | Bible Link |
Slovenian (1996) Genesis Portion | Saint Helena | Bible Link |
Tajiki (1992) Genesis Portion | Tajikistan | Bible Link |
Turki (1950) Genesis Portion | China | Bible Link |
Uyghur (1950) Eastern (Kasiigar) Turki Genesis Portion | China | Bible Link |
Yoruba (1959) Genesis Portion | Nigeria | Bible Link |
Afrikaans (1893) Genesis | South Africa | Bible Link |
Alune - Alifuru (1852) Matthew | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Arabic (1908) New Testament (handwritten) | Saudi Arabia | Bible Link |
Armenian (1859) New Testament | Armenia | Bible Link |
Armenian (1895) Bible | Armenia | Bible Link |
Armenian (1917) Bible | Armenia | Bible Link |
Asante (1905) New Testament (Fante - Tshi) | Ghana | Bible Link |
Bantu (1910) Bible | DR Congo | Bible Link |
Beaver (1920) Mark | Canada | Bible Link |
Bengali Calcutta Bible | Bangladesh | Bible Link |
Bengali Mussulmani (1878) Matthew | Bangladesh | Bible Link |
Burmese (1832) Judson New Testament | Myanmar | Bible Link |
Burmese (1837) Judson New Testament | Myanmar | Bible Link |
Burmese (1840) Judson Bible | Myanmar | Bible Link |
Burmese (1891) Judson Bible | Myanmar | Bible Link |
Cherokee (1860) New Testament | United States | Bible Link |
Cherokee (1953) Genesis | United States | Bible Link |
Cheyenne (1904) Bible Portions | United States | Bible Link |
Chinese (1822) Pentateuch | China | Bible Link |
Chinese (1850) New Testament | China | Bible Link |
Chinese (1862) Bible Portion | China | Bible Link |
Chinese Ningpo (1853) John (latin) | China | Bible Link |
Cree (1876) Psalms | United States | Bible Link |
Cree (1877) Matthew | United States | Bible Link |
Cree (1987) Moose Portion | Canada | Bible Link |
Creek (1880) John | United States | Bible Link |
Czech (1917) Bible - Biblí Svatá - Bible | Czechia | Bible Link |
Czech (1917) Bible Vol1 - Genesis to Judith | Czechia | Bible Link |
Czech (1917) Bible Vol2 - Esther to Song Solomon | Czechia | Bible Link |
Czech (1917) Bible Vol3 - Isaiah - Macabees | Czechia | Bible Link |
Czech (1918) Bible Vol5 - Acts to Revelation | Czechia | Bible Link |
Czech-English (1918) Luke (Diglot) | Czechia | Bible Link |
Dakota (1871) New Testament | United States | Bible Link |
Dakota (1872) Pentateuch | United States | Bible Link |
Dakota (1919) Genesis Portion | United States | Bible Link |
Delft Bible New Testament Portions | Netherlands | Bible Link |
English (1550) John Cheke Matthew (1843 Reprint) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1751) Samuel Clarke Gospels (A paraphrase on the four evangelists) Vol. 1-2 | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1781) Psalms by Poets | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1795) Samuel Clarke Acts and Epistles Vol. 1-2 | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1826) Living Oracles New Testament (Alexander Campbell) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1833) Webster's Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1837) Tyndales New Testament (1526 version) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1859) Wellbeloved Old Testament (Vol. 1-3) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1866) American Bible Union (Baptist) New Testament | United States | Bible Link |
English (1875) Davidsons New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1881) Samuel Sharpe New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1885) Revised Version | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1888) JW Hanson New Testament (Vol 1-2) | United States | Bible Link |
English (1897) Weekes New Dispensation Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1904) Worrell New Testament Bible | United States | Bible Link |
English (1905) Samuel Loyd Corrected English New Testament | United States | Bible Link |
English (1911) Tercentenary KJV Bible (Vol 1-3) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1913) American Bible Union (Baptist) Bible | United States | Bible Link |
English (1923) Ballantine Riverside New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Estonian (1887) Bible | Estonia | Bible Link |
French (1525) Olivetan Bible | France | Bible Link |
French (1535) Bible d'Olivétan | France | Bible Link |
French (1771) Ostervald Old Testament | France | Bible Link |
French (1801) Ostervald Bible | France | Bible Link |
French (1839) New Testament | France | Bible Link |
French (1846) Le Nouveau Testament | France | Bible Link |
French (1896) New Testament) | France | Bible Link |
French La Sainte Bible Genesis Portion | France | Bible Link |
Frisian (1858) Matthew | Netherlands | Bible Link |
Ganda (1908) Matthew | Uganda | Bible Link |
Georgian (1879) New Testament | Georgia | Bible Link |
German (1460) Bible (Das Leiden unsers Herren Jhesu Christi) Illuminated | Germany | Bible Link |
German (1535) Luther Bible | Germany | Bible Link |
German (1763) Bible Dietenberger | Germany | Bible Link |
German (1837) Luther Bible Die Bibel oder | Germany | Bible Link |
German (1860) Die Bibel in Bildern (Carolsfeld) | Germany | Bible Link |
Gilbertese (1866) Matthew | Kiribati | Bible Link |
Giryama-Swahili (1892) Luke | Kenya | Bible Link |
Greek (1516) Erasmus New Testament | Greece | Bible Link |
Greek (1517) Complutensian Polyglot Bible (Latin Hebrew) | Greece | Bible Link |
Greek (1522) Erasmus New Testament | Greece | Bible Link |
Greek (1751) He Kaine Diatheke - Gospels | Greece | Bible Link |
Greek (1857) Tregelless New Testament (Vol 1-6) | Greece | Bible Link |
Hakka (1923) Bible | China | Bible Link |
Hausa (1857) Acts (Schon) | Nigeria | Bible Link |
Hausa (1877) John (Labari nagari | Nigeria | Bible Link |
Hausa (1879) Epsitles and Revelation | Nigeria | Bible Link |
Hausa (1914) Gospels and Acts | Nigeria | Bible Link |
Hebrew (1524) The Second Rabbinic Bible (Mikraot Gedolot) (מקראות גדולות) Volume 1 | Israel | Bible Link |
Hebrew (1524) The Second Rabbinic Bible (Mikraot Gedolot) (מקראות גדולות) Volume 2 | Israel | Bible Link |
Hebrew (1524) The Second Rabbinic Bible (Mikraot Gedolot) (מקראות גדולות) Volume 3 | Israel | Bible Link |
Hebrew (1524) The Second Rabbinic Bible (Mikraot Gedolot) (מקראות גדולות) Volume 4 | Israel | Bible Link |
Hebrew (1898) Letteris Old Testament | Israel | Bible Link |
Hebrew (1901) New Testament | Israel | Bible Link |
Hindi (1840) Bible - Hindústání (Latin) | India | Bible Link |
Hindi (1879) New Testament | India | Bible Link |
Iaai (1901) Genesis Portion | New Caledonia | Bible Link |
Iloko (1919) Bible | Philippines | Bible Link |
Japanese (1900) Bible | Japan | Bible Link |
Japanese (1914) Psalms (Shihen) in Romanji Script | Japan | Bible Link |
Kalaallisut (1893) New Testament | Greenland | Bible Link |
Karo-Batak (1916) Luke (Perbahanen) | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Luguru (Karugu) Gospel of Matthew | Tanzania | Bible Link |
Kikamba (1850) Mark | Kenya | Bible Link |
Kikamba (1898) Luke | Kenya | Bible Link |
Kongo (1889) Matthew | DR Congo | Bible Link |
Latin (1300) Vulgate Bible - Codex Gigas (Medieval) | Holy See Vatican | Bible Link |
Latin (1301) Biblia Sacra Vulgata Latina | Holy See Vatican | Bible Link |
Limba (1911) Luke | Sierra Leone | Bible Link |
Lithuanian (1905) New Testament | Lithuania | Bible Link |
Malagasy (1830) New Testament | Madagascar | Bible Link |
Malagasy (1865) Bible | Madagascar | Bible Link |
Manchu (1869) New Testament | China | Bible Link |
Mende (1872) Gospels | Sierra Leone | Bible Link |
Mongolian (1880) New Testament | Mongolia | Bible Link |
Old East Slovic (1920) Ruthenian New Testament | Slovakia | Bible Link |
Papiamento (1932) New Testament | Curaçao | Bible Link |
Russian (1862) New Testament | Russia | Bible Link |
Russian (1904) Толковая Библия (Interpretive Bible) Part 1 (Vol 1-6) | Russia | Bible Link |
Russian (1904) Толковая Библия (Interpretive Bible) Part 2 (Vol 7-11) | Russia | Bible Link |
Russian (1913) New Testament (Толковая Библия) | Russia | Bible Link |
Samaritan Arabic (1705) Old Testament Portions | Palestine State | Bible Link |
Serbian (1864) New Testament | Serbia | Bible Link |
Sgau Karen (1884) Genesis Portion | Myanmar | Bible Link |
Sindhi (1890) New Testament | Pakistan | Bible Link |
Slave (1886) Matthew | Canada | Bible Link |
Swahili (1882) 1Kings | Tanzania | Bible Link |
Swahili (1882) Daniel | Tanzania | Bible Link |
Swahili (1882) Isaiah (Isaya) | Tanzania | Bible Link |
Swahili (1887) Hosea | Tanzania | Bible Link |
Swahili (1887) Numbers | Tanzania | Bible Link |
Swahili (1888) Song of Solomon (Koheleth) | Tanzania | Bible Link |
Swahili (1902) Acts (Matendo ya mitume kwa watoto) | Tanzania | Bible Link |
Swahili (1909) New Testament | Tanzania | Bible Link |
Swahili-Giryama (1892) Luke | Tanzania | Bible Link |
Swedish (1866) New Testament (Nya Testamentet) | Sweden | Bible Link |
Syriac (1826) Old Testament (Ketabe Qaddise) Vol. 1-2 | Iraq | Bible Link |
Tausug (1955) John | Philippines | Bible Link |
Tongan (1862) Bible | Tonga | Bible Link |
Tongan (1884) Bible | Tonga | Bible Link |
Tongan (1884) Genesis Portion | Tonga | Bible Link |
Tswana (1891) New Testament | Botswana | Bible Link |
Tswana (1903) New Testament | Botswana | Bible Link |
Tulu (1862) Bible Portions Stories | India | Bible Link |
Turkish (1857) New Testament (2 Vol.) | Turkey | Bible Link |
Urdu (1943) Bible | Pakistan | Bible Link |
Venda (1895) Gospel Portions | South Africa | Bible Link |
Welsh (1849) New Testament Portions | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Winnebago (1907) Gospels and OT Portions | United States | Bible Link |
Wolof (1906) Matthew | Senegal | Bible Link |
Wu (1894) Gospels and Acts Latin | China | Bible Link |
Xhosa (1850) Psalms | South Africa | Bible Link |
Xhosa (1865) Bible | South Africa | Bible Link |
Xhosa (1886) Bible | South Africa | Bible Link |
Yahgan (1886) John | Chile | Bible Link |
Yoruba (1887) New Testament | Nigeria | Bible Link |
Zulu (1883) Bible | South Africa | Bible Link |
Zulu (1883) New Testament | South Africa | Bible Link |
Latin (1401) Biblia Vulgate Latin (Illuminated) | Holy See Vatican | Bible Link |
Hebrew (1000) Aleppo Codex (HighRes) Manuscript | Israel | Bible Link |
Hebrew (1008) The Leningrad Codex (Codex Leningradensis) - OT | Israel | Bible Link |
Hebrew (1483) Lisbon Bible (Pentateuch) Vol. 1-6 Manuscript | Israel | Bible Link |
Czech (1887) Bible reprint | Czechia | Bible Link |
English (1635) Scottish Metrical Psalter (1864 Reprint) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Farsi (1895) Bible Old Persian Version (print) | Iran | Bible Link |
German (1522) Luther New Testament (Das Newe Testament Deutzsch) reprint | Germany | Bible Link |
Greek (1550) Stephanus New Testament (Print) | Greece | Bible Link |
Italian (1607) La Bibbia Cioè, i libri del Vecchio e del Nvovo Testamento | Italy | Bible Link |
Ukrainian (1581) Ostrog Bible | Ukraine | Bible Link |
Aramaic (1885) Old Testament (Talgum) with Commentaries vol 1-9 - Old Testmant | Iraq | Bible Link |
English (1703) Whitbys Paraphrase and Commentary New Testament (Vol. 1-2) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1777) The Holy Family Bible (Study) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1850) Williams Gospels (Harmony of the Evangelists) | United States | Bible Link |
English (1888) KJV (with Anglican Commentary) Vol.1 -2 with App | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1907) Interlinear Study Bible (KJV and RV) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1907) Naves Study Bible (KJV) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1912) Self-Interpretaing Study Bible - Vol.1 Gen-Josh | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1912) Self-Interpretaing Study Bible - Vol.2 Judg-Song | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1912) Self-Interpretaing Study Bible - Vol.3 Isa-Mal | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1912) Self-Interpretaing Study Bible - Vol.4 Matt-Rev | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1912) Self Interpreting Study Bible (Vol. 1-4) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Greek-English (1825) Scientia Biblica Parallel (Vol. 1-3) New Testament | Greece | Bible Link |
Greek-English (1920) Harmony of the Gospels Study | Greece | Bible Link |
Korean-English (2014) Bilingual Bible | South Korea | Bible Link |
Latin (1520) Complutensian Polyglot Bible Vol.1 -6 | Holy See Vatican | Bible Link |
Russian-English (2015) Synodal Interlinear Bible | Russia | Bible Link |
Swahili (1889) Bible Dictionary | Tanzania | Bible Link |