The Roskott Ambonese New Testament Segala Surat Perdjanjian Baharu Maha Besar Tuhan Jesus Christos | | bible |
The Gospel of John in Dangme Sandè-kpakpa Lu beni Dzhon Ngmà | | bible |
The New Testament in Ahanta Fuld Ni | | bible |
The Gospel of John in Axamb Naujin ga voi ili Jon ga tutusi. | | bible |
Ainu Batchelor 1897 Chikoro utarapa ne Yesu Kiristo | | bible |
Twi Akuapem Bible Godɨn Akar Aghuim; Akar Dɨkɨrɨzir Gavgavir Igiam | | bible |
The Four Gospels and Acts in Gheg Albanian Kater unǵilatʼ e zotit ede še̥ĺbŭesit tʼṳne̥ Iesu Kris̆tit, ede Pune̥tʼ e Apǒstuyvet | | bible |
Scripture Portions in Putawatomie Kao Nuperuk e Putrwatmemwun | | bible |
The Buzuku Translations Meshari | | bible |
Albanian - English Children's Bible Fjalet E Bibles Sime Te Pare, Liber Adhurimi Per Femije | | bible |
Etches translation përkthyer nga Mr. Etches | | bible |
Kristoforidhi Translations Konstandin Kristoforidhi 1884 - Libra nga Dhiata e Vjetër (Toskërisht) | | bible |
Meksi Translation Libra të Dhiatës së Vjetër të përkthyera në dialektin tosk nga Konstandin Kristoforidhi në 1884 (transliterim nga gërmat greke në latine) | | bible |
The New Testament in Amharic ዋዋሱሰ: ኽርስቶስ | | bible |
Algerian Arabic New Testament Kitāb ʼal-ʻAhd ʼal-Jadīd li-Rabbinā wa-Mukhalliṣinā Yasūʻ ʼal-Masīḥ | | bible |
The Old Testament in Assamese | | bible |
Asturian Bible | | bible |
Zaiwa Bible Portions Zaiwa: ꓟ˗ꓗꓴ ꓟꓮꓴ ꓢꓮꓴ | | bible |
Aneityum Gospels 1863 Aneityum Gospels 1863 (ATY1863) | | bible |
The Gospel of Matthew in Balochi Pák Injil Azh Yunáni Zavána Baloch Zavána Nyáma Shomdatha | | bible |
The Gospel of Mark in Bacama Lemefeme da Yesu Kristo. Markus 1915 (Bacama) | | bible |
Bengali BFSM Bible Portions Bengali: British & Foreign Bible Society Portions | | bible |
The New Testament in Bengali (Romanized) Dharmapustaker antabhág | | bible |
The Old Bengali Bible (Carey) ধর্মপুস্তক সহ পুরাতন ও নুতন নিয়মের | | bible |
The Gospels in Badaga | | bible |
The Book of Genesis in Bugotu | | bible |
New Testament in Dehwali Bhili | | bible |
Blackfoot Gospel Portions Manistsitsinikatahpi Jesus Manistsipaitapiihpiai | | bible |
1897 Breton Genesis and New Testament Ar Bibl Santel (Jenkins) 1897 | | bible |
Breton Book of Psalms Levr ar Psalmou 1873 | | bible |
Breton Gospels An Bibl (Brenton) | | bible |
The New Testament in Bulgarian | | bible |
The Tsarigrad (Constantinople) Edition Цариградски | | bible |
Sherbro (Matthew and Luke Portions) 1839 Sherbro Parables in Matthew and Luke 1839 | | bible |
Bullom South Book of Prayer 1816 Bullom So Prayer Book Selections 1816 | | bible |
Bullom South Matthew 1816 Book Hoa Matthew 1816 | | bible |
The Old Testament in Bangala Likilimba Yambo | | bible |
Eastern Min New Testament (Colloquial) and Portions | | bible |
Eastern Min New Testament (Romanised) Mā-tái ... Mā-kō ... Lô-gă ... Iók-hâng dióng hók-ĭng cŭ | | bible |
The Gospel According to St. Mark in Chinook Jargon St. Mark's Kloosh Yiem Kopa Nesika Saviour Jesus Christ | | bible |
The New Testament in Chipewyan | | bible |
Sorani New Testament کوردیی ناوەندی | | bible |
Chaldean New Testament (Syriac) | | bible |
Chaldean New Testament (Arabic) حذَدتا بلِشانا دسورَث | | bible |
Delegates Version 代表譯本 | | bible |
Lassar-Marshman Version 馬殊曼-拉撒文理《新舊約全書》 | | bible |
Morrison-Milne Version 神天聖書 | | bible |
New Testament of Robert Morrison 馬禮遜 : 耶酥基利士督我主救者新遺詔書 : 俱依本言譯出 | | bible |
Cornish Psalter 1997 An Sowter 1997 | | bible |
Cree New Testament ᐅᔅᑭ ᑎᔅᑌᒥᓐᒼ ᑭ ᑎᐯᓕᒋᑫᒥᓇᐤ ᓀᔥᑕ ᑭ ᐱᒪᒋᐃᐧᐁᒥᓇᐤ ᒋᓴᔅ ᒃᕌᔅᒼᕁ | | bible |
The Mason Bible in Cree ᑭᐦᒋ ᒪᓯᓈᐦᐃᑲᐣ | | bible |
Bible Portions in Western Cree | | bible |
The Bible in Culina Culina Mádija | | bible |
The Holy Bible in Welsh - 1588 Version Y Beibl Cysegr-lan | | bible |
Welsh Ruth, Psalms and Isaiah Salmau 1-20 a detholiad o Ruth ac Eseia 1830-35 (Ioan Tegid) | | bible |
Welsh - English BFSM Bible Portions Welsh - English: British & Foreign Bible Society Portions | | bible |
Welsh BFSM Bible Portions Cymraeg: British & Foreign Bible Society Portions | | bible |
Cyfieithiad Briscoe New Testament and OT Portions Cyfieithiad Briscoe 1853-94 (Test. Newydd a rhannau o'r Hen Dest.) | | bible |
Y Ffordd Newydd Gospels (1971) Y Ffordd Newydd - 4 Efengyl mewn Cymraeg Byw 1971 | | bible |
Welsh Lewis Valentine Psalms Detholiad o’r Salmau 1936 (Lewis Valentine) | | bible |
Revised New Welsh Bible Beibl Cymraeg Newydd | | bible |
Welsh Cyfienithiad New Testament + Cyfieithiad Urdd y Graddedigion 1921-45 (T.N., Hosea ac Amos) | | bible |
William Morgan Welsh Bible Edition Beibl William Morgan | | bible |
Welsh Metrical Psalms 1621 Salmau Cân 1621 | | bible |
The New Testament in Danish Det Nye Testamente | | bible |
Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's New Testament Vor Herres og Frelseres Jesu Christi Nyw Testamente | | bible |
The Revision of 1819 | | bible |
Gospel and Epistles in Tenni-Slave | | bible |
German Good News Bible Gute Nachricht Bibel | | bible |
Bible Portions in Dehu | | bible |
Dinka Ciec [South Central Dinka] Wel puat̤ ci Mak ke gor 1916 | | bible |
Dinka Ciec Luke (South Central Dinka) Uet-Apuaté Etong Luka 1905 | | bible |
Dinka Bor Pointed Psalms 1956 Diɛt ke Dabid 1956 | | bible |
The New Testament in Efik Öbufa Testament Äböñ ye Andinyaña nyïn Jisus Krist | | bible |
Genesis in Efik AKPA gWED MOSES, EMI EKERGDE, GENESIS | | bible |
Ejamat Gospel of Luke Kaytaku kata Lukas | | bible |
Estonian Children's Bible Piiblilood | | bible |
Metrical Psalms 1650 | | bible |
Brenton English Septuagint (1851) Brenton English Septuagint | | bible |
Darby Translation Darby Translation | | bible |
Douay-Rheims Bible (Challoner Revision) | | bible |
The New Testament for Everyone | | bible |
King James Authorised 400th Anniversary Edition | | bible |
Young's Literal Translation (Original Order Version) | | bible |
Revised Version with Apocrypha (1895) Revised Version Bible (1895) | | bible |
The Trench Epistles | | bible |
London Bible Londona Biblio | | bible |
The Gospel of Mark in Yup'ik | | bible |
FAO1908 Bible Jóhannesar Evangelium 1908 | | bible |
FIA1885 Bible Iṅǵīl Yesū El-Messīhnilin, Markosin Fāyisīn Nagittā 1885 | | bible |
The Book of a Thousand Tongues Biblia eli Pyha Raamattu | | bible |
Matthew in Guernsey French L' Sâint Évàngile Siévant Sâint Makyu 1863 | | bible |
The Port-Royal Bible Bible de Sacy | | bible |
Friulian1860 Bible (Matthew) Lu Vanzèli seònd S. Matìe 1860 | | bible |
Bible Portions in Aniwa | | bible |
The Bible in Ga (Gã) (Old Orthography) Ṅmãle̱ Kroṅkroṅ Le̱ | | bible |
Book of John in Jianning (Pinyin) | | bible |
Bible Portions in Gbanu | | bible |
Manx Apocrypha Yn Apocrypha | | bible |
Irish Gaelic Bedell Bible Bedell An Biobla Naomhtha | | bible |
Manx Metrical Psalms 1768 Psalmyn Ghavid 1768 (Metrical) | | bible |
Manx Apocrypha 1772 Yn Apocrypha 1772 | | bible |
The Bible in Manx Yn Vible Cashcrick: ny, yn Chenn Chonaant | | bible |
Manx Gospel of John 1936 Noo Ean 1936 | | bible |
Manx Gaelic Scripture Portions Noo Mian | | bible |
Gari Bible Na Papi Tabu | | bible |
Corrected New Testament Jisus Kreist nyiwhe kukwadhut ako nyiwhahsi vi hlukwinadhun kechid | | bible |
The Takudh Bible Ettunetle rsotitinyoo, thlukwinadhun sheg ako ketchid kwitugwatsui | | bible |
Holy Scriptures Portions in Haida X̱aat Kíl [Haida] Gospels, Acts, OT | | bible |
Hakka New Testament (Romanised) Kiu-chú Yâsu kaì Sin-yok Shìn-kin | | bible |
Hakka Old and New Testament Bible | | bible |
Letteris Hebrew Bible | | bible |
Hindi New Testament (Latin Orthography) Hamare Khudawand Yisu Masih Na Naya Waziqa | | bible |
Hindi Old Version | | bible |
Croatian Saric Translation Sveto Pismo | | bible |
The Modern Common Language Bible | | bible |
The Bible in Iaai Tusi Kap Wale Uhihinykou ehac ee Uhihinykou ae teb unyi adre wia ka hny hwen iai. | | bible |
Igbo Union Version Bịabụlụ Nsọ nʼIgbo Ndị Ugbu a | | bible |
Genesis in Eastern Canadian Inuktitut | | bible |
The Bible in Inuktitut (Portions) Testamentitak tamaedsa nalegapta piulijipta Jesusib Kristusib | | bible |
Ilocano Bible (Portions) Ti Biblia | | bible |
New Testament (New Translation) Nýja Testamentið (Ný Þýðing) | | bible |
Icelandic (London) Bible Heilög Ritning Lundúnabiblían | | bible |
The Newest Version of the Bible Nuovissima versione | | bible |
Kare (Kari) New Testament (1947) Féké Testament 1947 | | bible |
Genesis in Halh Mongolian | | bible |
Kinyarwanda Revised Bible Kinyarwanda Bibliya Yera | | bible |
The Gospel of Matthew in Kaguru Nsachilo Nswamu kwa Mattayo Kwa Nonga Ya Kaguru | | bible |
Kurdish-Kurmanji New Testament Cyrillic-Latin (IBT) Peymana Nû (Încîl) (KMRNTL) | | bible |
Kota Gabon Bible (Mark) 1938 Mark añgw’a téndé 1938 | | bible |
Agape Easy Bible 아가페 쉬운 성경 | | bible |
Bible Portions in Likuba | | bible |
Kerewo Bible (Gospels +) Iesu Keriso imo pai-dubi naiba kitouti dubu nou pai mea 1941 | | bible |
The New Testament in Laka for Chad Testament ke Siki 1960 (Kabba Laka) | | bible |
The New Testament and Portions in Latvian | | bible |
Lingala Common Language Bible | | bible |
Lithuanian Vaikams Children's Bible Lietuvių Biblija Vaikams | | bible |
The Old Testament in Efate | | bible |
The Book of Genesis in Lau | | bible |
Logo Gospels (Matthew and Mark) Tandu tani adea ngoro ta tišile Marako tini. Tandu tani adea ngoro ta tišile Matayo tini. | | bible |
Loma New Testament DEƲE NIINƐI | | bible |
Bible Portions in Luyia | | bible |
Latvian Children's Bible Liela Bibele Berniem | | bible |
Mabaan Gospel of Mark Juɛl a pwɔdɛn tɛ Mak 1947 | | bible |
MHIRuth Bible Ma'di Book of Ruth 1938 | | bible |
Manchu Lipovtsov-Borrow Bible Portions | | bible |
Kien-Yang Gospels (Romanised) Mâ huó̤i hhŏ íng : Gyṳ̀ng-iò̤ng Lō̤-mâ-zò̤i | | bible |
The Holy Bible in Northern Min Se̿ng-géng | | bible |
Mon Bible | | bible |
Mohawk Gospels (Portions) Kanien’kéha Ne Saint Mark and Ne Saint John | | bible |
Acts in Moravian Romani 1936 O Keriban pal e Devleskre bičhade 1936 | | bible |
Portions of Genesis in Marovo Ia Buka Susua Te Mosese Pu Takilae Jenesesi | | bible |
The Holy Bible in Mukawa Buka kao'aobaisiena | | bible |
Garrad Revised Version | | bible |
The Revised New Testament Ṭhāvara ʼa rhaṅʻ bhu rāʺ sa khaṅʻ | | bible |
Amoy Romanized Bible Sin-kū-iok ê Sèng-keng | | bible |
Teochew 1 Samuel (Romanised) San-bu-zu Tsoi-tsu | | bible |
Bible Portions in Hainan (Romanised) | | bible |
Colloquial Shantou New Testament and Portions | | bible |
The New Testament in the Teochew Dialect | | bible |
Bible Portions in Nengone Hna Ureie Jeu O Re Pene Nengone | | bible |
Nepali New Revised Version नेपाली संशोधित पवित्र बाइबल | | bible |
The Gospel of Mark in Naxi ꓟ˗ꓗꓳ ꓕꓰ˗ꓷ 1932 | | bible |
Old Nyamwezi New Testament Mhola ja Tjelu ja Ilagano Lipya | | bible |
Porvencal Gospels (Occitan) Lis Evangèli 1903 (Provençal) | | bible |
Gospels and OT Portions in Ojibwa Iu Otoshki-Kikindiuin au kitogimaminan gaie bemajiinvng Jesus Krist | | bible |
Northern Pashto Old Bible انجیل شریف | | bible |
Chung Chia Matthew Fu in Ma-tai 1904 | | bible |
Children's Bible | | bible |
Old Persion Version Bible ترجمه قدیم | | bible |
Luritja New Testament Luritja Bible | | bible |
Persian Gospels and Acts Chauṉh Anajíl te Rusulan de A’Amal 1927 (Roman Punjábí) | | bible |
Persian Punjabi New Testament | | bible |
De Almeida Bible (1641) De Almeida Bíblia | | bible |
Matthew and Acts Potawatomi Matthew and Acts | | bible |
Bible Portions in Maliseet | | bible |
Wa New Testament Hpuk lai sigang si siyeh pa hkrao | | bible |
Good News in Romany Kushti Lavs | | bible |
Romany Scripture Compositions by Wester Boswell 1874 Romany: Angloromani Boswell Scripture Selections | | bible |
The Good Shepherd (Bible Portions in Angloromani) Kushti Bokkengro 1985 | | bible |
Romani Baltic Bible (Cyrillic) Библия - Пэ Балтитко Романи чиб (Романэс) 2019 | | bible |
Romani Baltic Bible (Latin) Biblija - Pe Baltitko Romani čib (Romanes) 2019 | | bible |
Latvian 1933 Scriptures Joannostir Svencono lačopheniben 1933 (Latvia) | | bible |
Old Romani Version E devléskoro sfjato lil e Ísus-Xristóskoro džiipé thai meribé e sfjatoné Lukéstar 1912 (Arlija Balkan Romani - Bulharsko) | | bible |
Romani Gubbeti 1936 Bible O Devlikano lil e Sumnale Lukahtar 1936 (Bosnia) | | bible |
Romani Sinte Gospel of Mark 1912 O Evangelio Jezus Kristusester pala Markus 1912 (Sinte) | | bible |
Caló Gospel of Luke 1872 Criscote e Majaró Lucas 1872 | | bible |
Caló Gospel of Luke 1837 Embéo e Majaró Lucas 1837 (Caló) | | bible |
Romani Lovari Gospel of John 1930 Predigimo ä Johannesko 1930 | | bible |
The New Testament in Ronga | | bible |
Cornilescu 1931 Bible Traducere Literală Cornilescu 1931 | | bible |
Romanian Ediția Dumitru Cornilescu Revised Bible Ediția Dumitru Cornilescu revizuită 2019 | | bible |
Bible Portions in Rotuman 'ON MUMUA NE PUK 'ON MOSESE PUKUT NE HE' KAMATAGA | | bible |
Aromanian Gospel of Matthew Vangheilu al Mattheu | | bible |
Cassian New Testament перевод Еп. Кассиана | | bible |
Russian Illustrated Children's Bible | | bible |
Salesbury Welsh New Testament and Psalms 1567 Testament Newydd a'r Salmau Salesbury 1567 | | bible |
Sicilian Bible Portions Rut, la Cantica di li Cantici, e Matteu 1861 (volgarizzato in dialetto siciliano) | | bible |
Portions of The New Testament (Latin) | | bible |
Portions of The New Testament (Syllabics) | | bible |
Matthew in Shi-Puthsa (Sena) Mattheo 1911 (Evangelho de S. Mattheus - XiPuthshu) | | bible |
Akkala Sami Gospel Portions Махьтвеест Пась‐Евангели 23-28, 1878 | | bible |
Sinti Romani Song of Solomon (Italy) 1875 I Ghiléngheri Ghília Salomunéskero an i Rômáni tćib (Italia) 1875 | | bible |
Kildin Sami Gospel Portions кӣллт са̄мь кӣлл Matthew chapters 1-22, 1878 in Cyrillic | | bible |
The Bible in Slovak Chráskov prevod | | bible |
The Roháček Version | | bible |
Slovenian Ecumenical Edition Sveto Pismo | | bible |
Original Shona Union Bible 1949 Doke orthography Baiberi Magwaro Matȿene aMŋari 1949 (Doke) | | bible |
Reina-Valera Gomez 2004 Reina-Valera Gomez 2004 | | bible |
Gospel of Matthew in Susoo 1816 Lingjili Matthew ki nache 1816 | | bible |
Swedish Children's Illustrated Bible | | bible |
Syriac Modern Bible | | bible |
Tamil BFSM Bible Portions (Roman Script) Tamil: British & Foreign Bible Society Portions | | bible |
Today's Philippine Version Magandang Balita Biblia | | bible |
Thai Common Language ฉบับประชานิยม | | bible |
Tolomako Bible Portions Tolomaku Portions 1909 | | bible |
The Bible in Tiv 1964 Edition Bibilo ka kwaghôron u aôndo je la ka ikuryan i tse kua i he cii | | bible |
Tswana Moffit Bible Bibela ea Boitsépho 1890 | | bible |
Ohienko New Testament and Psalms | | bible |
Ohienko New Testament (1995) | | bible |
Urdu Bible (Portions) Zabúr - Duá i amím kí kitáb aur sákraminton kí tartíb | | bible |
Bible in Romanized Urdu Injíl i muqaddas | | bible |
The Bible in Orya Alap mo Ol Ëse, zëre mo zi niban de ol ziaha-en gun hup dena | | bible |
Vietnamese Old Version (1925) Kinh Thánh Tiếng Việt 1925 | | bible |
Vietnamese Revised Version Kinh Thánh Tiếng Việt Bản Hiệu Đính 2010 | | bible |
The First Epistle of John in Volapük Pened balid Yoliánesà 1888 | | bible |
Wolof Tereb Injiil Teereb Injiil di Kaddug Yalla | | bible |
New Testament in the Ningbo Dialect (and Portions) Ngô-he kyiu-cü yia-su kyi-toh-keh sing-iah shü: Te-tsiu tuwa; di-nyi-tʻao ing | | bible |
Ningbo New Testament (Romanised) Ah-lah kyiu-cü Yiæ-su Kyi-toh-go Sing Iah Shü : peng-veng fæn Nying-po t'u-wô | | bible |
Taizhou New Testament, Portions (Roman) Gyiu-iah shü Sing-ming kyi | | bible |
Kenzi Mattokki Bible (Gospels) 1912 Enjil Yesu 1912 (Nubian Kenuzi Gospels) | | bible |
The Gospel of Luke in Yahgan Gospl Lчc Ecamanāci | | bible |
Yalunka Matthew 1907 (Jalunga) Yalunka S. Matiu 1907 | | bible |
Bible in Cantonese Colloquial (Latin) Shìng-King 1915 (Kwóng-Tung Wâ) | | bible |
Bible Portions in Mesme Mukanda-Wa-Njenesi | | bible |
Malay Keasberry New Testament Portions Kitab Alkudus: Injil Isa Almasih 1866 (Keasberry) | | bible |
Full Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Full Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English-Hebrew Bilingual Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Hebrew-English Bilingual Bible | Israel | Bible Link |
Full Bible | India | Bible Link |
Compact FB | Nigeria | Bible Link |
English / Jamaican NT | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Jamaican / English NT | Jamaica | Bible Link |
FBA | Slovenia | Bible Link |
NT | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
NTP | Croatia | Bible Link |
FBA | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
FB Easy English Edition | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English-Welsh Bilingual Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
FB 400th Anniversary Edition | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Popular Compact FB | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
FB Large Print | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
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NT | Albania | Bible Link |
Full Bible | Croatia | Bible Link |
FB Danicic Version | Greenland | Bible Link |
FB Study Edition | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
NT | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
FB with Concordance | Spain | Bible Link |
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Arabic - English New Testament | Saudi Arabia | Bible Link |
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Khmer/English Dual Language New Testament Diglot | Cambodia | Bible Link |
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CHLD | Iran | Bible Link |
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Full Bible | France | Bible Link |
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NT with PSA | France | Bible Link |
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NT with PSA | Russia | Bible Link |
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CHLD | Azerbaijan | Bible Link |
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Enter into the Bible Edition | Slovenia | Bible Link |
FB (Traditional) | China | Bible Link |
NT (Traditional) | China | Bible Link |
NT Today's Chinese Version (Traditional) / English Good News | China | Bible Link |
NT Today's Chinese Version (Traditional) / English Good News | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
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Full Bible | Hungary | Bible Link |
NTP | Hungary | Bible Link |
OT with Modern NT | Israel | Bible Link |
Pocket NT | Philippines | Bible Link |
NT | Philippines | Bible Link |
Full Bible | Portugal | Bible Link |
NT, PSA and PRO | Thailand | Bible Link |
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Full Bible | Turkey | Bible Link |
NT | Turkey | Bible Link |
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Full Bible | Nigeria | Bible Link |
NT Chinese Union Version / Contemporary English Version | United States | Bible Link |
FB (Simplified) | China | Bible Link |
Full Bible | Portugal | Bible Link |
FB (Contemporary) | Portugal | Bible Link |
Full Bible | Portugal | Bible Link |
Full Bible | Ethiopia | Bible Link |
English - Arabic New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
The New Testament Contemporary English Version (CEV) mp3 download | United States | Bible Link |
Welsh William Morgan Bible (Parry/Davies Revision) 1955 Edition | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Italian: Word of God - The Bible, interconfessional common language translation 2014 3rd ed. Bible with Deuterocanon | Italy | Bible Link |
Dramatized Audio edition of the Contemporary English Version (Anglicised) New Testament by Riding Lights Theatre Company 2010 | United States | Bible Link |
Cornish: An Bibel Kernewek 2017 Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Welsh: 2015, 2019 (Bible) | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Futuna (1883) Luke (Evanerio na Ruka Peato) | Vanuatu | Bible Link |
Futuna (1923) Psalms (Asam o Tevit) | Vanuatu | Bible Link |
Lipo (1912) Matthew | China | Bible Link |
Lisu (1912) Matthew | China | Bible Link |
Lithuanian-English (1911) Mark Diglot | Lithuania | Bible Link |
Lithuanian-English (1914) Luke Diglot | Lithuania | Bible Link |
Mandingo (1904) Mark | Guinea | Bible Link |
Amahuaca - Genesis (Book) | Peru | Bible Link |
Azerbaijani North - John (Book) | Azerbaijan | Bible Link |
Bodo - John (Book) | India | Bible Link |
Digor (2002) John | Russia | Bible Link |
Amahuaca (1992) Genesis Portion | Peru | Bible Link |
Bughoto (1973) Genesis Portion (Bugotu) | Solomon Islands | Bible Link |
Duala (1970) Genesis Portion | Cameroon | Bible Link |
Efik (1989) Genesis Portion | Nigeria | Bible Link |
Hakka (1916) Genesis Portion | China | Bible Link |
Igala (1970) Genesis Portion | Nigeria | Bible Link |
Igbo (1982) Genesis Portion | Nigeria | Bible Link |
Kannada (1959) Genesis Portion (Kanarese) | India | Bible Link |
Micmac (1857) Genesis Portion | Canada | Bible Link |
Mongolian (1913) Genesis Portion (Halh) | Mongolia | Bible Link |
Samo Southern (1994) Genesis Portion | Burkina Faso | Bible Link |
Sukuma (1960) Genesis Portion | Tanzania | Bible Link |
Swahili - Genesis Portion | Tanzania | Bible Link |
Toloki (2000) Genesis Portion | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Algonquin (1890) Matthew | Canada | Bible Link |
Aniwa (1904) Genesis | Vanuatu | Bible Link |
Ao Naga (1914) New Testament Portions (Jam-Jude) | India | Bible Link |
Bacama (1915) Mark | Nigeria | Bible Link |
Badaga (1890) Luke | India | Bible Link |
Balochi (1899) Matthew | Pakistan | Bible Link |
Balti (1908) Matthew | Pakistan | Bible Link |
Bambara (1923) Luke | Mali | Bible Link |
Beaver (1886) Mark | Canada | Bible Link |
Bengali (1882) Mark | Bangladesh | Bible Link |
Bengali (1909) Calcutta Bible | Bangladesh | Bible Link |
Bilin (1890) Mark | Eritrea | Bible Link |
Blackfoot (1890) Matthew | United States | Bible Link |
Bontoc (1914) Luke | Philippines | Bible Link |
Car Nicobarese (1918) Mark | India | Bible Link |
Chinese (1875) New Testament | China | Bible Link |
Chinese Hakka (1923) Bible | China | Bible Link |
Chipewyan (1881) New Testament | Canada | Bible Link |
Cree (1861) Bible | Canada | Bible Link |
Cree (1876) John | United States | Bible Link |
Cree (1876) Mark | United States | Bible Link |
Cree (1876) New Testament | United States | Bible Link |
Croatian (1860) Psalms | Croatia | Bible Link |
Danish (1847) Bible | Denmark | Bible Link |
Danish (1859) Bible | Denmark | Bible Link |
Danish (1868) New Testament | Denmark | Bible Link |
Danish (1911) Bible | Denmark | Bible Link |
Dinka (1917) Mark | South Sudan | Bible Link |
Dutch (1900) Bible | Netherlands | Bible Link |
Eskimo (1920) Mark (Mackenzie) | United States | Bible Link |
Esperanto (1870) Bible | Poland | Bible Link |
Esquimaux (1813) Gospels | United States | Bible Link |
Esquimaux (1830) Psalms | United States | Bible Link |
Esquimaux (1840) New Testament | United States | Bible Link |
Foochow (1908) Eastern Min Bible | China | Bible Link |
Gaelic (1813) New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Gaelic (1819) Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Ganda (1902) Bible | Uganda | Bible Link |
Garifuna (1902) John | Honduras | Bible Link |
German (1891) Luther New Testament (Die Bible) | Germany | Bible Link |
Haida (1899) John | Canada | Bible Link |
Inukitut Baffin (1903) Gospels and Acts | Canada | Bible Link |
Inuktitut (1897) Gospels | Canada | Bible Link |
Inuktitut Hudson Bay (1897) Gospels | Canada | Bible Link |
Kaguru (1894) Matthew | Tanzania | Bible Link |
Kanarese (1906) New Testament | India | Bible Link |
Kikamba (1904) Acts | Kenya | Bible Link |
Kongo (1905) Bible | DR Congo | Bible Link |
Kwak'wala (1897) Acts | Canada | Bible Link |
Kwak'wala (1900) Mark | Canada | Bible Link |
Kwakiutl (1894) Luke | Canada | Bible Link |
Kwakiutl (1897) Acts | Canada | Bible Link |
Lonwolwol (1899) Luke | Vanuatu | Bible Link |
Malay (1893) Luke | Malaysia | Bible Link |
Malay (1906) Job- Malachi | Malaysia | Bible Link |
Malayalam (1905) Luke | India | Bible Link |
Mascoi (1908) Mark | Palau | Bible Link |
Micmac (1856) Luke | Canada | Bible Link |
Micmac (1859) Psalms | Canada | Bible Link |
Micmac (1863) Acts | Canada | Bible Link |
Micmac (1871) New Testament | Canada | Bible Link |
Min Bei Chinese - Kienning (1896) New Testament Northern Min (latin) | China | Bible Link |
Mabuiag (1900) Matthew (Kalau Lagua Ya) | Australia | Bible Link |
Mohawk - English (1804) John | Canada | Bible Link |
Mongo (1881) Acts | DR Congo | Bible Link |
Mongolian (1846) New Testament | Mongolia | Bible Link |
Northern Min (1896) New Testament - Romanized | China | Bible Link |
Ossetic (1923) Gospels | Russia | Bible Link |
Pangasinan (1899) John | Philippines | Bible Link |
Papiamento (1902) Gospels | Curaçao | Bible Link |
Pashto (1890) Bible انجیل شریف (Vol. 1-4) | Pakistan | Bible Link |
Pashto (1890) New Testament | Pakistan | Bible Link |
Persian-Judeo (1900) Old Testament Vol.1 (Pentateuch) Hebrew | Iran | Bible Link |
Persian-Judeo (1900) Old Testament Vol.2 (History) Hebrew | Iran | Bible Link |
Persian-Judeo (1900) Old Testament Vol.3 (Job-Ecc) Hebrew | Iran | Bible Link |
Persian-Judeo (1900) Old Testament Vol.4 (Prophets) Hebrew | Iran | Bible Link |
Persian-Judeo (1900) Old Testament Vol.5 (Small Prophets) Hebrew | Iran | Bible Link |
Petats (1934) Mark | Papua New Guinea | Bible Link |
Polish (1923) Bible | Poland | Bible Link |
Punjabi (1913) New Testament | India | Bible Link |
Romanian (1913) Matthew | Romania | Bible Link |
Romanian (1921) New Testament | Romania | Bible Link |
Russian (1893) Bible | Russia | Bible Link |
Russian (1922) Bible | Russia | Bible Link |
Saa (1905) Bible - Gospels | Solomon Islands | Bible Link |
Sagalla (1897) John | Kenya | Bible Link |
Samoan (1887) Bible | Samoa | Bible Link |
Sangir (1880) Luke John | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Sangir (1886) Psalms | Indonesia | Bible Link |
Sanskrit (1922) New Testament | India | Bible Link |
Siksika (1890) Matthew (Blackfoot) | United States | Bible Link |
Sukuma (1897) Luke | Tanzania | Bible Link |
Swedish (1864) Bible | Sweden | Bible Link |
Swedish (1902) New Testamant Psalms | Sweden | Bible Link |
Syriac (1905) New Testament | Iraq | Bible Link |
Tahitian (1847) Bible | French Polynesia | Bible Link |
Tangale (1920) Luke | Nigeria | Bible Link |
Tangale (1922) Ruth and Jonah (Rut - Yona) | Nigeria | Bible Link |
Tasiko (1892) Matthew | Vanuatu | Bible Link |
Tavara (1903) Matthew | Mozambique | Bible Link |
Telugu (1929) Bible | India | Bible Link |
Tenni Slave (1891) Epistles | Canada | Bible Link |
Toaripi (1902) New Testament | Papua New Guinea | Bible Link |
Tulu (1905) Genesis | India | Bible Link |
Ulawa - Sa'a (1906) Gospels | Solomon Islands | Bible Link |
Urdu (1860) New Testament | Pakistan | Bible Link |
Vella Lavella (1919) Mark | Solomon Islands | Bible Link |
Welsh (1900) Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Xhosa (1906) Bible | South Africa | Bible Link |
Yao (1907) New Testament | Malawi | Bible Link |
Yiddish (1899) Pentatuch | Unknown or Invalid Territory | Bible Link |
Yiddish (1912) New Testament | Unknown or Invalid Territory | Bible Link |
Yoruba (1900) Bible | Nigeria | Bible Link |
Zulu (1903) Bible | South Africa | Bible Link |
Zulu (1903) John | South Africa | Bible Link |
Chinese Min Dong - Genesis (Print) | China | Bible Link |
Punjabi Persian - New Testament (Print) | India | Bible Link |
English (1860) Cassell's Illustrated Family Bible (Vol. 1-2) Study | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
English (1860) Cassell's Illustrated Family Bible (Vol. 2-2) Study | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Farsi (1901) Persian New Testament | Iran | Bible Link |
Farsi (1920) Persian Bible (Tarjumeh-ye Ghadeem) | Iran | Bible Link |
Dehu - Genesis Portion | New Caledonia | Bible Link |
Gbanu (1939) Genesis Portion (Genèse) | Central African Republic | Bible Link |
Gwich'in (1980) Genesis Portion | Canada | Bible Link |
Lau (1914) Genesis Portion | Solomon Islands | Bible Link |
Likuba (1916) Genesis Portion | Congo | Bible Link |
Lunda (1936) Genesis Portion | Zambia | Bible Link |
Luyia (1954) Genesis Portion | Kenya | Bible Link |
Mesme (1936) Genesis Portion | Chad | Bible Link |
Mwaghavul (1920) Genesis Portion (Sura) | Nigeria | Bible Link |
Nguna Efate (1908) Genesis Portion | Vanuatu | Bible Link |
Sie - Genesis Portion | Vanuatu | Bible Link |
Yao (1933) Genesis Portion | Malawi | Bible Link |
Djimini Senoufo (1994) Genesis Portion (Zhenɛsi) | Côte d'Ivoire | Bible Link |
Tulu (1905) Genesis Portion | India | Bible Link |
Chinyanja (1900) New Testament (Chewa) | Malawi | Bible Link |
Chichewa (1906) New Testament | Malawi | Bible Link |
Nyanja - Chewa (1906) Bible | Malawi | Bible Link |
Nyanja - Chewa (1922) Bible | Malawi | Bible Link |
Amganad Ifugao (1982) Genesis Portion | Philippines | Bible Link |
Taichow (Wu) Genesis Portion | China | Bible Link |
Catalan (1888) New Testament | Spain | Bible Link |
Cebuano (1904) Luke | Philippines | Bible Link |
Italian (1872) New Testament | Italy | Bible Link |
Malo (1954) Genesis Portion | Vanuatu | Bible Link |
Tamambo (1954) Genesis Portion | Vanuatu | Bible Link |
Ainu (1897) New Testament | Japan | Bible Link |
Tboli (2000) Genesis Portion | Philippines | Bible Link |
Gela (1961) Genesis Portion | Solomon Islands | Bible Link |
Nawdm (1992) Genesis Portion | Togo | Bible Link |
Ngbaka (1995) Genesis Portion | DR Congo | Bible Link |
Nuer (1999) Genesis Portion | South Sudan | Bible Link |
French-English (1817) New Testament Diglot | France | Bible Link |
Gwich'in (1886) New Testament | Canada | Bible Link |
Gwich'in (1890) Pentatuech | Canada | Bible Link |
Gwich'in (1898) BIble | Canada | Bible Link |
Gwichin (1920) Tukudh New Testament | Canada | Bible Link |
Haida (1891) Matthew Mark-Acts (Portions) | Canada | Bible Link |
Haida (1898) Acts (JH Keen) | Canada | Bible Link |
Haida (1899) Luke (JH Keen) | Canada | Bible Link |
Hebrew (1908) Pentateuch (Hamishah humshey Torah) Ginsburg | Israel | Bible Link |
Hindi (1919) Bible | India | Bible Link |
Hungarian (1908) Bible | Hungary | Bible Link |
Hungarian (1921) Bible | Hungary | Bible Link |
Iaai (1901) Bible | New Caledonia | Bible Link |
Icelandic (1866) Bible | Iceland | Bible Link |
Ijo (1903) John (Ebi Jo̲n, Nembe Ịjọ) | Nigeria | Bible Link |
Inukiitut Baffin (1914) Exodus | Canada | Bible Link |
Inukitut Labrador (1834) Genesis | Canada | Bible Link |
Inuktitut (1881) Luke | Canada | Bible Link |
Inuktitut Eastern (1813) Gospels | Canada | Bible Link |
Irish (1817) Bible | Ireland | Bible Link |
Irish (1828) New Testament | Ireland | Bible Link |
Kalaallisut (1851) New Testament | Greenland | Bible Link |
Khasi (1871) New Testament | India | Bible Link |
Manx (1815) New Testament | Isle of Man | Bible Link |
Manx (1819) BIble | Isle of Man | Bible Link |
Maori (1887) New Testament | New Zealand | Bible Link |
Mikir (1919) John (Ketok Abirta Keme) | India | Bible Link |
Mohawk - Iroquois (1880) Gospels | Canada | Bible Link |
Ojibwa (1831) John | Canada | Bible Link |
Ojibwa (1844) New Testament | Canada | Bible Link |
Ojibwa (1874) Minor Prophets | Canada | Bible Link |
Scottish Gaelic (1807) Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Scottish Gaelic (1829) Bible | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Scottish Gaelic (1840) New Testament | United Kingdom | Bible Link |
Slave (1890) John | Canada | Bible Link |
Slave (1890) Luke | Canada | Bible Link |
Slave (1890) Mark | Canada | Bible Link |
Slave (1891) Acts Epistles | Canada | Bible Link |
Slave (1905) Gospels | Canada | Bible Link |
Slavic (1868) New Testament | North Macedonia | Bible Link |
Slovenian (1904) New Testament | Slovenia | Bible Link |
Tenni Slave (1891) Acts | Canada | Bible Link |
Tibetan (1905) Genesis and Exodus | China | Bible Link |
Turkmen (1890) Genesis-Leviticus | Turkmenistan | Bible Link |
Yahgan (1881) Luke | Chile | Bible Link |
Yahgan (1883) Acts | Chile | Bible Link |
Inuit (1870) New Testament | Canada | Bible Link |
Inuktitut (1869) Joshua to Esther (Testamentetotak) | Canada | Bible Link |
Inuktitut (1871) Psalms to Song (Testamenteteokak) | Canada | Bible Link |