
Olunyole [nyd]

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Nyore (Olunyole) BibleEBAIBO INZIENUKHUबाइबल१९९०
Words of Lifeसाधन
LLL 8: Ebikhole Ebia Omwoyo Omulafu [Look, Listen & Live 8 Acts of the HOLY SPIRIT]साधन
LLL 7: Yesu - Omwami Nende Omuwonia [Look, Listen & Live 7 JESUS - Lord & Saviour]साधन
LLL 6: Yesu - Omwekesia Nende Omwonia [Look, Listen & Live 6 JESUS - Teacher & Healer]साधन
LLL 5: Bayalwa Khulwa Nyasaye [Look, Listen & Live 5 On Trial for GOD]साधन
LLL 4: Abalakhabani Aba Nyasaye [Look, Listen & Live 4 Servants of GOD]साधन
LLL 3: Obikhiri Obirira Mu Nyasaye [Look, Listen & Live 3 Victory through GOD]साधन
LLL 2: Abanda Bari Abanyasaye [Look, Listen & Live 2 Mighty Men of GOD]साधन
LLL 1: Ochaka Nende Nyasaye [Look, Listen & Live 1 Beginning with GOD]साधन
Amakhuwa Amayiakha [Good News]साधन
Words of Lifeसाधन
LLL 8: Ebikhole Ebia Omwoyo Omulafu [Look, Listen & Live 8 Acts of the HOLY SPIRIT]साधन
LLL 7: Yesu - Omwami Nende Omuwonia [Look, Listen & Live 7 JESUS - Lord & Saviour]साधन
LLL 6: Yesu - Omwekesia Nende Omwonia [Look, Listen & Live 6 JESUS - Teacher & Healer]साधन
LLL 5: Bayalwa Khulwa Nyasaye [Look, Listen & Live 5 On Trial for GOD]साधन
LLL 4: Abalakhabani Aba Nyasaye [Look, Listen & Live 4 Servants of GOD]साधन
LLL 3: Obikhiri Obirira Mu Nyasaye [Look, Listen & Live 3 Victory through GOD]साधन
LLL 2: Abanda Bari Abanyasaye [Look, Listen & Live 2 Mighty Men of GOD]साधन
LLL 1: Ochaka Nende Nyasaye [Look, Listen & Live 1 Beginning with GOD]साधन
Amakhuwa Amayiakha [Good News]साधन
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शीर्षक प्रकार दिनांक
Nyore (Olunyole) Bible बाइबल 1990
Words of Life साधन
LLL 8: Ebikhole Ebia Omwoyo Omulafu [Look, Listen & Live 8 Acts of the HOLY SPIRIT] साधन
LLL 7: Yesu - Omwami Nende Omuwonia [Look, Listen & Live 7 JESUS - Lord & Saviour] साधन
LLL 6: Yesu - Omwekesia Nende Omwonia [Look, Listen & Live 6 JESUS - Teacher & Healer] साधन
LLL 5: Bayalwa Khulwa Nyasaye [Look, Listen & Live 5 On Trial for GOD] साधन
LLL 4: Abalakhabani Aba Nyasaye [Look, Listen & Live 4 Servants of GOD] साधन
LLL 3: Obikhiri Obirira Mu Nyasaye [Look, Listen & Live 3 Victory through GOD] साधन
LLL 2: Abanda Bari Abanyasaye [Look, Listen & Live 2 Mighty Men of GOD] साधन
LLL 1: Ochaka Nende Nyasaye [Look, Listen & Live 1 Beginning with GOD] साधन
Amakhuwa Amayiakha [Good News] साधन
Words of Life साधन
LLL 8: Ebikhole Ebia Omwoyo Omulafu [Look, Listen & Live 8 Acts of the HOLY SPIRIT] साधन
LLL 7: Yesu - Omwami Nende Omuwonia [Look, Listen & Live 7 JESUS - Lord & Saviour] साधन
LLL 6: Yesu - Omwekesia Nende Omwonia [Look, Listen & Live 6 JESUS - Teacher & Healer] साधन
LLL 5: Bayalwa Khulwa Nyasaye [Look, Listen & Live 5 On Trial for GOD] साधन
LLL 4: Abalakhabani Aba Nyasaye [Look, Listen & Live 4 Servants of GOD] साधन
LLL 3: Obikhiri Obirira Mu Nyasaye [Look, Listen & Live 3 Victory through GOD] साधन
LLL 2: Abanda Bari Abanyasaye [Look, Listen & Live 2 Mighty Men of GOD] साधन
LLL 1: Ochaka Nende Nyasaye [Look, Listen & Live 1 Beginning with GOD] साधन
Amakhuwa Amayiakha [Good News] साधन