Pichis Ashéninka New Testament
KAMEETHARI ÑAANTSI: Iñaaventaitzirira Avinkatharite Jesucristo

The New Testament in the Pichis Ashéninka language of Peru. Ashéninka Pichis is an indigenous American language spoken along Peru's Pichis river. The population is 12,000 in the Regions of Pichis and tributaries except Apurucayali. Alternate names are Pichis Ashéninca, and “Pichis Campa”. Dialects are somewhat intelligible with other Ashéninka varieties. The language classification is Arawakan, Maipuran, Southern Maipuran, Pre-Andine. It is the official language, however they also use Spanish. Language development includes a dictionary, grammar, and a New Testament. The writing system uses the Latin script. El Nuevo Testamento de nuestro Señor Jesucristo en el idioma asheninka (del Pichis) PeruEdiciones anteriores Primera edición, 1996 Segunda edición, 2008 Publicado por © La Liga Bíblica, 2008.
indigenous to Pichis and tributaries except Apurucayali.
Language Pichis Ashéninka Campa [cpu]
Date 2008
Copyright © 2008 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
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