Bamberg Cathedral Gospels
Evangelia Cathedralis Bambergensis

This Gospel book from the Carolingian period is a product of the Mainz school of calligraphy and illumination, which was a successor to the palace (or court) school of Charlemagne. In its canon tables and portraits of the evangelists, it blends the Ottonian style from the tenth century with the traditions of the earlier Carolingian Ada group (late eighth century). The manuscript received its fine binding in the Ottonian period. Its most valuable parts are the two outstanding ivories. The baptism of Christ is represented on the front cover; on the back are shown the Annunciation and the birth of Christ. It is uncertain whether the ivory on the back cover originally belonged to this codex. The Gospel book was originally owned by Bamberg Cathedral, to which it had possibly been presented by Emperor Henry II (reigned 1014−24). The Ada group refers to a set of ivory carvings and a group of about 10 illuminated manuscripts, named after a circa 750 gospel book commissioned by Ada, half-sister of Charlemagne. These works are the earliest examples of the court school of Charlemagne. (World Digital Library)
Language Latin lingua latīna [lat]
Date 825
Copyright Public Domain
Historic Bible Scans
World Digital Library
World Digital Library
Bamberg, Germany