Ottobeuren Gospel
OVVM OPVS - Beatis Simopa Pedama Soiero Nimvs

This Gospel book contains decorated canon tables, extending over 16 pages, and portraits of the evangelists, positioned at the beginning of the respective Gospels. It is decorated with five full-page framed miniatures on gilt ground, the first of which depicts Christ enthroned, with a book in his left hand and blessing with his right. Eight pen-drawn initials mark the beginnings of the argumenta (short versions of the evangelist’s life) in the Gospels of Mark, Luke, and John as well as the passages in all four Gospels concerning the Passion of Christ. The first prologue and each Gospel begin with an initial painted in gold. Scholars ascribe this Gospel to a specific group of lavishly illuminated liturgical manuscripts, which was created during the time of Abbot Isingrim of Ottobeuren (1145−80) in the scriptorium of Ottobeuren Abbey in Bavaria. These precious codices are today scattered in different libraries or privately owned. For stylistic reasons scholars have dated this particular liturgical book to around 1165. (World Digital Library)
Language Latin lingua latīna [lat]
Date 1165
Copyright Public Domain
World Digital Library
F. Dauidem Aicheleru Benedictionu, Ottobeuren, Germany