
Mountain Arapesh [ape]

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Bukiyip New TestamentGod Ananin Balan圣经二〇一三年
The New Testament in Coastal ArapeshNupela Testamen long tokples Arapesh圣经一九九四年
Bukiyip 1994 Edition圣经一九九四年
Bukiyip Bible PortionsMak Jesesis圣经一九七六年
Words of Life资源
Good News资源
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标题 类型 日期
Bukiyip New Testament 圣经 2013
The New Testament in Coastal Arapesh 圣经 1994
Bukiyip 1994 Edition 圣经 1994
Bukiyip Bible Portions 圣经 1976
Words of Life 资源
Good News 资源