
Standard Irish: Gaeilge [gle]

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The Holy Bible in IrishAn Bíobla Naofa圣经一九八一年
Irish Ó Cuinn VersionÓ Cuinn Tiomna Nua 1970圣经一九七〇年
The New Testament in IrishTiomna Nuadh圣经一九五一年
Gaeilge [Irish Gaelic] Gospels and ActsNa Ceithre Soiscéil agus Gníomhartha na n-Abstal 1943 (Pádraig Mac Giolla Cheara)圣经一九四三年
Manx Gaelic BibleManx Gaelic圣经一九〇五年
Irish New Testament (Portions)Leabhuir an Tiomna Nuadh圣经一八二七年
Irish Gaelic Bedell BibleBedell An Biobla Naomhtha圣经一八一七年
Words of Life 2资源
Words of Life 1资源
Good News^资源
The Story of Jesus for Children电影
Irish Gaelic Metrical PsalmsPsalma Dhaibhí 圣经
The Cuinn Psalter 1965An tSaltair 1965圣经一九六五年
- 一四 / 一四
标题 类型 日期
The Holy Bible in Irish 圣经 1981
Irish Ó Cuinn Version 圣经 1970
The New Testament in Irish 圣经 1951
Gaeilge [Irish Gaelic] Gospels and Acts 圣经 1943
Manx Gaelic Bible 圣经 1905
Irish New Testament (Portions) 圣经 1827
Irish Gaelic Bedell Bible 圣经 1817
Words of Life 2 资源
Words of Life 1 资源
Good News^ 资源
The Story of Jesus for Children 电影
Irish Gaelic Metrical Psalms 圣经
The Cuinn Psalter 1965 圣经 1965