
bahasa Indonesia [ind]

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Indonesian AYT BibleAlkitab Yang Terbukaالأناجيل٢٠٢٤
Indonesian Tazi New TestamentBahasa Indonesia Alkitab Tazaالأناجيل٢٠٠٤
Indonesian Free Bible for EveryoneAlkitab Gratis Untuk Semuaالأناجيل
New Testament of Simplified Indonesian Translation Terjemahan Sederhana Indonesiaالأناجيل٢٠١٣
Indonesian New TestamentAlap mo Ol Ëse, zëre mo zi niban de ol ziaha-en gu hup denaالأناجيل٢٠٠٥
Indonesian: Easy-to-Read VersionPerjanjian Baru: Alkitab Mudah Dibacaالأناجيل٢٠٠٣
Indonesian PBTBE NewTestamentPerjanjian Baru Terjemahan Baru Edisi 2الأناجيل١٩٩٧
Indonesian Sehari-hariالأناجيل١٩٩٤
Today’s Indonesian BibleAlkitab dalam Bahasa Indonesia Masa Kiniالأناجيل١٩٨٥
Indonesian Living Bible™, New TestamentFirman Allah Yang Hidup™, Perjanjian Baruالأناجيل١٩٧٥
Indonesian Shellabear Versionالأناجيل١٩٧٤
Indonesian New Translation, Formal Version (1974)Alkitab Terjemahan Baruالأناجيل١٩٧٤
Terjemahan LamaAlkitab Terjemahan Lamaالأناجيل١٩٥٤
Journey to Truth - Ep8 - FreedomEpisode 8 - Kemerdekaanموارد
Journey to Truth - Ep7 - A Real DreamEpisode 7 - Impian Sejatiموارد
Journey to Truth - Ep6 - Miracle of LoveEpisode 6 - Keajaiban Kasihموارد
Journey to Truth - Ep5 - Authority of ForgivenessEpisode 5 - Otoritas Pengampunanموارد
Journey to Truth - Ep4 - Beginning of LightEpisode 4 - Awal Mula Pencerahanموارد
Journey to Truth - Ep3 - Give and TakeEpisode 3 - Memberi dan Menerimaموارد
Journey to Truth - Ep2 - Extensive QuestionsEpisode 2 - Pertanyaan yang lebih luasموارد
Journey to Truth - Ep1 - He Said, It's Been SaidEpisode 1 - Dia berkata, ada tertulisموارد
Islamic Jihad or the Love of Jesus - Ep4Jihad Islam Atau Kasih Isa Al Masihموارد
Islamic Jihad or the Love of Jesus - Ep3Jihad Islam Atau Kasih Isa Al Masihموارد
Islamic Jihad or the Love of Jesus - Ep2Jihad Islam Atau Kasih Isa Al Masihموارد
Islamic Jihad or the Love of Jesus - Ep1Jihad Islam Atau Kasih Isa Al Masihموارد
Prophet Jesus Christ's Name - Ep4Isa Al Masih dan Nama Nabi Nabiموارد
Prophet Jesus Christ's Name - Ep3Isa Al Masih dan Nama Nabi Nabiموارد
Prophet Jesus Christ's Name - Ep2Isa Al Masih dan Nama Nabi Nabiموارد
Prophet Jesus Christ's Name - Ep1Isa Al Masih dan Nama Nabi Nabiموارد
Hidayah Hati - Jesus the SacrificeYesus Korbanموارد
The Flood of Faith - Part 2Sungai Imanموارد
The Flood of Faith - Part 1Sungai Imanموارد
The Bridge - Part 2Jembatanموارد
The Bridge - Part 1Jembatanموارد
Habiballah Dangdut Rohaniموارد
Who is Jesus?موارد
Jesus the Spirit and Word of GodYesus adalah Roh dan Firman Allahموارد
The Savior 8 - Jesus is RisenYesus bangkit dari kematianموارد
The Savior 7 - GolgothaTempat penganiayaanموارد
The Savior 6 - The Lord's PrayerDoa Tuhanموارد
The Savior 5 - The Good SamaritanOrang Samaria yang baik hatiموارد
The Savior 4 - Sowing of the WordPenabur benihموارد
The Savior 3 - Woman at the WellWanita di Sumurموارد
The Savior 2 - Jesus' BaptismPembaptisan Yesusموارد
The Savior 1 - Jesus' BirthKelahiran Yesusموارد
The Savior 0 - The Savior TrailerTrailer Juru Selamatموارد
The StoryKisahموارد
Creation to ChristPenciptaan Sampai Kristusموارد
More Than Dreams-DiniLebih Dari Sekedar Mimpi - Cerita Diniموارد
More Than Dreams-Dini (EngSub)Lebih Dari Sekedar Mimpi - Cerita Diniموارد
١ - ٥٠ / ١٥٢
عنوان يكتب تاريخ
Indonesian AYT Bible الأناجيل 2024
Indonesian Tazi New Testament الأناجيل 2004
Indonesian Free Bible for Everyone الأناجيل
New Testament of Simplified Indonesian Translation الأناجيل 2013
Indonesian New Testament الأناجيل 2005
Indonesian: Easy-to-Read Version الأناجيل 2003
Indonesian PBTBE NewTestament الأناجيل 1997
Indonesian Sehari-hari الأناجيل 1994
Today’s Indonesian Bible الأناجيل 1985
Indonesian Living Bible™, New Testament الأناجيل 1975
Indonesian Shellabear Version الأناجيل 1974
Indonesian New Translation, Formal Version (1974) الأناجيل 1974
Terjemahan Lama الأناجيل 1954
Journey to Truth - Ep8 - Freedom موارد
Journey to Truth - Ep7 - A Real Dream موارد
Journey to Truth - Ep6 - Miracle of Love موارد
Journey to Truth - Ep5 - Authority of Forgiveness موارد
Journey to Truth - Ep4 - Beginning of Light موارد
Journey to Truth - Ep3 - Give and Take موارد
Journey to Truth - Ep2 - Extensive Questions موارد
Journey to Truth - Ep1 - He Said, It's Been Said موارد
Islamic Jihad or the Love of Jesus - Ep4 موارد
Islamic Jihad or the Love of Jesus - Ep3 موارد
Islamic Jihad or the Love of Jesus - Ep2 موارد
Islamic Jihad or the Love of Jesus - Ep1 موارد
Prophet Jesus Christ's Name - Ep4 موارد
Prophet Jesus Christ's Name - Ep3 موارد
Prophet Jesus Christ's Name - Ep2 موارد
Prophet Jesus Christ's Name - Ep1 موارد
Hidayah Hati - Jesus the Sacrifice موارد
The Flood of Faith - Part 2 موارد
The Flood of Faith - Part 1 موارد
The Bridge - Part 2 موارد
The Bridge - Part 1 موارد
Habiballah Dangdut Rohani موارد
Who is Jesus? موارد
Jesus the Spirit and Word of God موارد
The Savior 8 - Jesus is Risen موارد
The Savior 7 - Golgotha موارد
The Savior 6 - The Lord's Prayer موارد
The Savior 5 - The Good Samaritan موارد
The Savior 4 - Sowing of the Word موارد
The Savior 3 - Woman at the Well موارد
The Savior 2 - Jesus' Baptism موارد
The Savior 1 - Jesus' Birth موارد
The Savior 0 - The Savior Trailer موارد
The Story موارد
Creation to Christ موارد
More Than Dreams-Dini موارد
More Than Dreams-Dini (EngSub) موارد
The Prophets' Story موارد
Ali - Indonesian موارد
Gathering of the Followers of Isa (EngSub) موارد
Gathering of the Followers of Isa (ArabSub) موارد
Gathering of the Followers of Isa موارد
Final Night (EngSub) موارد
Final Night موارد
Possessed موارد
Reflection (Refleksi) (EngSub) موارد
Reflection (Refleksi) موارد
One God One Message موارد
KING of GLORY موارد
1 Timothy موارد
1 John موارد
Words of Life 2 موارد
Good News w/ INDONESIAN songs موارد
Words of Life 2 موارد
Good News موارد
Good News موارد
Words of Life w/ INDONESIAN song موارد
Words of Life 2 موارد
Words of Life 1 موارد
Portrait of Jesus موارد
Nutrition & Soil Fertility موارد
Look, Listen & Live 8 Acts of the HOLY SPIRIT (M) موارد
Look, Listen & Live 8 Acts of the HOLY SPIRIT موارد
Look, Listen & Live 7 JESUS - Lord & Saviour (M) موارد
Look, Listen & Live 7 JESUS - Lord & Saviour موارد
Look, Listen & Live 6 JESUS - Teacher & Healer (M) موارد
Look, Listen & Live 6 JESUS - Teacher & Healer موارد
Look, Listen & Live 5 On Trial for GOD (M) موارد
Look, Listen & Live 5 On Trial for GOD موارد
Look, Listen & Live 4 Servants of GOD (M) موارد
Look, Listen & Live 4 Servants of GOD موارد
Look, Listen & Live 3 Victory through GOD (M) موارد
Look, Listen & Live 3 Victory through GOD موارد
Look, Listen & Live 2 Mighty Men of GOD (M) موارد
Look, Listen & Live 2 Mighty Men of GOD موارد
Look, Listen & Live 1 Beginning with GOD (M) موارد
Look, Listen & Live موارد
The Living Christ موارد
Kabar Baik [Good News] موارد
Gospel Songs موارد
Good News for Children موارد
East Nusa Tenggara's Songs موارد
The Savior 5 - The Good Samaritan أفلام
Who is Jesus? أفلام
More Than Dreams-Dini (EngSub) أفلام
Lumo: Luke أفلام
Reflection (Refleksi) (EngSub) أفلام
The Flood of Faith - Part 1 أفلام
The Story أفلام
Indonesian Bible Project Videos أفلام
Reflection (Refleksi) أفلام
Creation to Christ أفلام
Islamic Jihad or the Love of Jesus - Ep2 أفلام
More Than Dreams-Dini أفلام
The Bridge - Part 2 أفلام
Journey to Truth - Ep7 - A Real Dream أفلام
Lumo: John أفلام
Lumo: Mark أفلام
Possessed أفلام
Lumo: John أفلام
Jesus the Spirit and Word of God أفلام
Journey to Truth - Ep6 - Miracle of Love أفلام
Prophet Jesus Christ's Name - Ep4 أفلام
Journey to Truth - Ep2 - Extensive Questions أفلام
The Bridge - Part 1 أفلام
JESUS أفلام
The Savior 3 - Woman at the Well أفلام
Prophet Jesus Christ's Name - Ep1 أفلام
The Savior 2 - Jesus' Baptism أفلام
Islamic Jihad or the Love of Jesus - Ep1 أفلام
The Indonesian HOPE أفلام
Prophet Jesus Christ's Name - Ep3 أفلام
The Savior 0 - The Savior Trailer أفلام
Journey to Truth - Ep1 - He Said, It's Been Said أفلام
Final Night أفلام
Journey to Truth - Ep5 - Authority of Forgiveness أفلام
Journey to Truth - Ep8 - Freedom أفلام
The Prophets' Story أفلام
Gathering of the Followers of Isa (EngSub) أفلام
The Savior 8 - Jesus is Risen أفلام
Ali - Indonesian أفلام
Gathering of the Followers of Isa (ArabSub) أفلام
The Savior 4 - Sowing of the Word أفلام
Gathering of the Followers of Isa أفلام
Journey to Truth - Ep4 - Beginning of Light أفلام
The Savior 1 - Jesus' Birth أفلام
Journey to Truth - Ep3 - Give and Take أفلام
The Savior 6 - The Lord's Prayer أفلام
Final Night (EngSub) أفلام
The Savior 7 - Golgotha أفلام
The Flood of Faith - Part 2 أفلام
Lumo: Matthew أفلام
Hidayah Hati - Jesus the Sacrifice أفلام
Islamic Jihad or the Love of Jesus - Ep4 أفلام
Prophet Jesus Christ's Name - Ep2 أفلام
Islamic Jihad or the Love of Jesus - Ep3 أفلام
Habiballah Dangdut Rohani أفلام
Magdalena - Director's Cut أفلام