Vengo 1993 Edition
Yigisǝ nwi mǝkee mǝfimǝ maŋ Ghaŋ Veŋoo

The Vengo New Testament was translated by Wycliffe Bible Translators in 1993. Vengo (Vəŋo), or Babungo, is a Grassfields language and the language of the Vengo people from the village of Babungo in the Cameroonian Grassfields. The spelling Bamungo is also often found. In their own language, the Vengo people call their village vengo [vəŋóo] and their language ghang vengo [gháŋ vəŋóo], which means "language of the Vengo"; it is thus officially listed under the name Vengo or Vengoo. Other names for the language are Vengi, Pengo, Ngo, Nguu, Ngwa, Nge.
indigenous to North West Province, Ngo Ketunjia Division, north of Ndop on Ndop Plain.
Language Vengo Babungo [bav]
Date 1993
Copyright © 1993 Wycliffe Bible Translators
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