Critical Commentary Study Bible Patrick

The Holy Bible. A Critical Commentary and Paraphrase on the Old and New Testament, and the Apocrypha. By Patrick, Lowth, Arnold, Whitby, and Lowman. A New Edition, with the Text Printed at Large. To be Completed in Sixty numbers at Twenty-Five Cents Each. The Whole to Form Four Imperial Octavo Volumes, Containing Upwards of 4300 Pages. Philadelphia: Cary and Hart, 18?? CD Only Another; The Holy Bible. A Critical Commentary and Paraphrase on the Old and New Testament, and the Apocrypha. By Patrick, Lowth, Arnold, Whitby, and Lowman. A New Edition, Corrected by the Rev. J. R. Pitman. . . In Six Volumes. London: Printed by J. F. Dove, for Richard Priestley, 1822.
(From: Introduction to the Study of the Bible; Thomas Horne; 1827)
Divines of every denomination concur in pronouncing Dr. Whitby's commentary to be, upon the whole, the best upon the New Testament, that is extant in the English language. It is inserted in almost every list of books that we have seen recommended to stu dents, and it is here noticed on account of the very valuable dissert ations on various subjects which it contains, and which are referred to by most modern commentators. This commentary first appeared in 1703, and has since been frequently printed with Bp. Patrick's Paraphrase and Commentary on the Historical and Poetical Books, and Mr. Lowth's Paraphrase, &c. on the Prophetical Books of the Qld Testament. The two last-mentioned works would have been inserted in the present list, but that the most valuable of their anno tations are included in Dr. D'Oyly's and Bp. Mant's Commentary already noticed. (From: Introduction to the Study of the Bible; Thomas Horne; 1827)
(From: Introduction to the Study of the Bible; Thomas Horne; 1827)
Divines of every denomination concur in pronouncing Dr. Whitby's commentary to be, upon the whole, the best upon the New Testament, that is extant in the English language. It is inserted in almost every list of books that we have seen recommended to stu dents, and it is here noticed on account of the very valuable dissert ations on various subjects which it contains, and which are referred to by most modern commentators. This commentary first appeared in 1703, and has since been frequently printed with Bp. Patrick's Paraphrase and Commentary on the Historical and Poetical Books, and Mr. Lowth's Paraphrase, &c. on the Prophetical Books of the Qld Testament. The two last-mentioned works would have been inserted in the present list, but that the most valuable of their anno tations are included in Dr. D'Oyly's and Bp. Mant's Commentary already noticed. (From: Introduction to the Study of the Bible; Thomas Horne; 1827)
Language English [eng]
Date 1822
Copyright Public Domain