English Literal Standard Version

The Literal Standard Version of The Holy Bible is a registered copyright of Covenant Press and the Covenant Christian Coalition (© 2020). The LSV has a permissive copyright: all non-commercial use is permissible as long as the text is unaltered. Citations within English works for commercial use and resale are permitted so long as they do not constitute the entirety of any book of the Bible or more than 1,000 verses total. Translations of the LSV into other languages for either commercial or non-commercial use do not require permission from Covenant Press. There are no restrictions for non-English translations as long as the translation cites the LSV and is titled accordingly. Other requests for commercial use and resale require written permission from Covenant Press. Citations must include either “Literal Standard Version” or “LSV.” CC BY-SA for translations to other languages and CC BY-NC-ND for English. Covenant Press is soliciting partnerships with Bible publishers that are interested in the LSV project. For queries about partnering with us, please email the translation team at covenantpress@ccc.one. To learn more, visit lsvbible.com. The purpose behind the LSV is to provide readers with a modern, easy-to-read, literal, and accurate translation of the Bible that is free to read, distribute, and translate from. We pray that God will use the LSV to illuminate the hearts and minds of multitudes with the good news that His Son Jesus Christ came in the flesh, died for our sins as a substitutionary sacrifice, rose bodily from the dead, and is coming back again.
Language English [eng]
Date 2020
Copyright © 2020 Covenant Press CCBYND
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