Scots Gaelic New Testament
Am Bìoball Gàidhlig 1992

Scottish Gaelic, also called Scots Gaelic, is one of the Celtic languages, closely related to Irish Gaelic and Manx Gaelic. At one time (c. 1000 AD) it was spoken throughout Scotland, but it has declined steadily since then and today is spoken by about 60,000 people — with the highest concentration living in the Hebrides. Am Bìoball Gàidhlig: The New Testament was first published in Scottish Gaelic in 1767. The Old Testament was completed in 1801, and a revised edition of the complete Bible was published in 1807. In 1911, Rev Calum Maclennan, D.D. edited a version of the Bible that was released as a pocket-bible, and this version forms the basis of the current text. Work on this new version of the Gaelic Bible was commenced shortly after the Second World War. The editor was the Rev. Thomas M. MacCalman, M.A., D.D., and he worked on it until his death in January 1984. With the support and prompting of the National Bible Society of Scotland, work on this version was restarted in 1986. The editor was Donald Eachann Meek, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.Hist.S., a lecturer in the department of Celtic Languages at the University of Edinburgh. The spelling of the Bible was revised and brought into line with the rules of the S.C.E. Board of Examinations with the support and help of Dr MacCalman and following the wishes of the Gaelic Panel of the Bible Society. The National Bible Society of Scotland (since 2000 known as the Scottish Bible Society) published this new version in 1992. A project was started in August 2014 to digitise the 1992 Bible, as it was desired to have it available online and in digital formats. (This process also corrected some typographical errors in the printed text.) The following deserve great thanks for their work on this: Rev. Kenneth M. Ferguson, Morag Maclean, Annie MacSween, Catriona Murray, Morag MacDonald, Angus Morrison, Joan MacInnes, Anne Kennedy, Neil Smith, Ruairidh Maclean, Chrissie MacRae and Donald I. Macdonald.
indigenous to North and central counties of Ross, islands of Hebrides and Skye, Glasgow. Also in Australia, Canada, United States.
Language Scottish Gaelic Gàidhlig [gla]
Date 1992
Copyright © Scottish Bible Society 1992, 2017
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