Qafar af [aar]

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Title▲▼ | Type▲▼ | Date▲▼ |
Afar Historical & Prophetic Books of the OTNabuwwa Kee Malikwa | Bibles | 2012 |
Afar New TestamentDaabur Migaq Le Kitaaba | Bibles | 1994 |
The Prophets' StoryNabuwa Taariki | Resources | |
The WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESSAkki Gita | Resources | |
Words of Life w/ DANAKIL | Resources | |
Words of Life 2 | Resources | |
Words of Life 1 | Resources | |
Magdalena - Director's Cut | Films | |
JESUS | Films | |
The Prophets' StoryNabuwa Taariki | Films |
Title | Type | Date |
Afar Historical & Prophetic Books of the OT | Bibles | 2012 |
Afar New Testament | Bibles | 1994 |
The Prophets' Story | Resources | |
The WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS | Resources | |
Words of Life w/ DANAKIL | Resources | |
Words of Life 2 | Resources | |
Words of Life 1 | Resources | |
Magdalena - Director's Cut | Films | |
JESUS | Films | |
The Prophets' Story | Films |