Northern Pashto

Yusufzai [pbu]

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Pakistani Yousafzai Pashto BiblePakistani Yousafzai PashtoBibles2019
The Book of Proverbs in Yusufzai PashtoBibles2015
Pashto John - Leydenانجيل شريف پای معرفت ده مقدس يوحناBibles1939
Northern Pashto Old Bibleانجیل شریفBibles1890
The Savior 8 - Jesus is Risenعیسی له مړو څخه راژوندی شوResources
The Savior 7 - Golgothaد عذاب او مرګ ځایResources
The Savior 6 - The Lord's Prayerد خدای دعاResources
The Savior 5 - The Good Samaritanد ښه ساماریایي لپاره بیلګهResources
The Savior 4 - Sowing of the Wordلکه بزګرResources
The Savior 3 - Woman at the Wellمیرمن دی کوهی تر سنګهResources
The Savior 2 - Jesus' Baptismد تمعید غسل او نومونې مراسمResources
The Savior 1 - Jesus' Birthد عیسی زیږیدنهResources
The Savior 0 - The Savior Trailerد (نجات دهنده ) فلم تریلرResources
The Prophets' Storyدَ پيغمبرانو قيصهResources
Words of LifeResources
Words of LifeResources
Words of Life for WomenResources
Words of LifeResources
Words of LifeResources
Words of LifeResources
Good NewsResources
Words of Life for WomenResources
Words of LifeResources
The Savior 0 - The Savior Trailerد (نجات دهنده ) فلم تریلرFilms
The Savior 3 - Woman at the Wellمیرمن دی کوهی تر سنګهFilms
The Prophets' Storyدَ پيغمبرانو قيصهFilms
The Savior 1 - Jesus' Birthد عیسی زیږیدنهFilms
The Savior 4 - Sowing of the Wordلکه بزګرFilms
The Savior 6 - The Lord's Prayerد خدای دعاFilms
Magdalena - Director's CutFilms
The Savior 2 - Jesus' Baptismد تمعید غسل او نومونې مراسمFilms
The Savior 7 - Golgothaد عذاب او مرګ ځایFilms
The Savior 8 - Jesus is Risenعیسی له مړو څخه راژوندی شوFilms
The Savior 5 - The Good Samaritanد ښه ساماریایي لپاره بیلګهFilms
1 - 35 / 35
Title Type Date
Pakistani Yousafzai Pashto Bible Bibles 2019
The Book of Proverbs in Yusufzai Pashto Bibles 2015
Pashto John - Leyden Bibles 1939
Northern Pashto Old Bible Bibles 1890
The Savior 8 - Jesus is Risen Resources
The Savior 7 - Golgotha Resources
The Savior 6 - The Lord's Prayer Resources
The Savior 5 - The Good Samaritan Resources
The Savior 4 - Sowing of the Word Resources
The Savior 3 - Woman at the Well Resources
The Savior 2 - Jesus' Baptism Resources
The Savior 1 - Jesus' Birth Resources
The Savior 0 - The Savior Trailer Resources
The Prophets' Story Resources
Words of Life Resources
Words of Life Resources
Words of Life for Women Resources
Words of Life Resources
Words of Life Resources
Words of Life Resources
Good News Resources
Words of Life for Women Resources
Words of Life Resources
The Savior 0 - The Savior Trailer Films
The Savior 3 - Woman at the Well Films
The Prophets' Story Films
The Savior 1 - Jesus' Birth Films
The Savior 4 - Sowing of the Word Films
The Savior 6 - The Lord's Prayer Films
Magdalena - Director's Cut Films
The Savior 2 - Jesus' Baptism Films
The Savior 7 - Golgotha Films
The Savior 8 - Jesus is Risen Films
The Savior 5 - The Good Samaritan Films