Vlax Romani
řomani čhib [rmy]

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Title▲▼ | Type▲▼ | Date▲▼ |
Gurbet New TestamentE Devleso Lafi ko Gurbetsko dijalekt | Bibles | 2023 |
Vlax Romani Bible Biblia ande chib Romani | Bibles | 2021 |
Luke in Vlax Romani ArliLuka | Bibles | 2018 |
Romani Chergash New TestamentBiblija pe romani Čergarsko čhib | Bibles | 2018 |
The Gospels in Gurbeti Arlija Romani | Bibles | 2014 |
Vlax Romani Chilean Vlax VersionNuevo Testamento Romané | Bibles | 2007 |
Kalderash Romani New Testament and PsalmsE Nevi Viasta o Psalmo 2004 | Bibles | 2004 |
The Gospels in RomaniEvanghelia pala o Matei 1996 (ursarilor România) | Bibles | 1996 |
The First Epistle of John in LovariO angluno lil anda o Johannes 1984 (Noreg) | Bibles | 1984 |
Romani Lovari Gospel of John 1930 Predigimo ä Johannesko 1930 | Bibles | 1930 |
John | Resources | |
Good News | Resources | |
Words of Life 3 | Resources | |
Words of Life 2 | Resources | |
Words of Life 1 | Resources | |
The Story of Jesus for Children | Films | |
JESUS | Films |
Title | Type | Date |
Gurbet New Testament | Bibles | 2023 |
Vlax Romani Bible | Bibles | 2021 |
Luke in Vlax Romani Arli | Bibles | 2018 |
Romani Chergash New Testament | Bibles | 2018 |
The Gospels in Gurbeti Arlija Romani | Bibles | 2014 |
Vlax Romani Chilean Vlax Version | Bibles | 2007 |
Kalderash Romani New Testament and Psalms | Bibles | 2004 |
The Gospels in Romani | Bibles | 1996 |
The First Epistle of John in Lovari | Bibles | 1984 |
Romani Lovari Gospel of John 1930 | Bibles | 1930 |
John | Resources | |
Good News | Resources | |
Words of Life 3 | Resources | |
Words of Life 2 | Resources | |
Words of Life 1 | Resources | |
The Story of Jesus for Children | Films | |
JESUS | Films |