brezhoneg [bre]

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शीर्षक▲▼ | प्रकार▲▼ | दिनांक▲▼ |
Vannes Breton Matthew Aviel revé St. Maheu troeit é Brehonec Guénet | बाइबल | |
Breton Psalms (Williams) 1873Levr ar Psalmou 1873 | बाइबल | २०१८ |
Breton Koad VersionBreten Koad 21 | बाइबल | २०११ |
Breton New TestamentNOUVEAU TESTAMENT | बाइबल | २००९ |
1897 Breton Genesis and New TestamentAr Bibl Santel (Jenkins) 1897 | बाइबल | १८९७ |
Breton Book of PsalmsLevr ar Psalmou 1873 | बाइबल | १८७३ |
The Gospels in Breton | बाइबल | १८२७ |
Breton GospelsAn Bibl (Brenton) | बाइबल | १८२७ |
Words of Life | साधन | |
Words of Life | साधन | |
Words of Life | साधन | |
JESUS | फिल्में |
शीर्षक | प्रकार | दिनांक |
Vannes Breton Matthew | बाइबल | |
Breton Psalms (Williams) 1873 | बाइबल | 2018 |
Breton Koad Version | बाइबल | 2011 |
Breton New Testament | बाइबल | 2009 |
1897 Breton Genesis and New Testament | बाइबल | 1897 |
Breton Book of Psalms | बाइबल | 1873 |
The Gospels in Breton | बाइबल | 1827 |
Breton Gospels | बाइबल | 1827 |
Words of Life | साधन | |
Words of Life | साधन | |
Words of Life | साधन | |
JESUS | फिल्में |