Bible Society of Sudan

جمعية الكتاب المقدس في السودان

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The Bible in Bari (Kutuk) FullBibilia, Buk na Ŋun nagon koti luŋu abfabible1979
Northeastern Dinka 2009 EditionJAM DE NHIALIC 2011dipbible2011
New Testament in Southeastern DinkaLek Jot de Yecu Krithodksbible1940
Otuho New TestamentEcorit Anejuklotbible1969
The New Testament in Morumgdbible1996
The Holy Bible in Morumgdbible2000
The Revised Moro Version Ðǝrreiðia Eŋen Ðǝmaijǝn Iði Rǝmwa Riðumorbible1993
Nuer BibleRUAC KUƆTH IN RƐL RƆnusbible1998
Shilluk BSS VersionShilluk Bss Versionshkbible2011
Zande New Testamentznebible2011
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शीर्षक देश प्रकार
The Bible in Bari (Kutuk) Full Bibilia, Buk na Ŋun nagon koti luŋu a bible
Northeastern Dinka 2009 Edition JAM DE NHIALIC 2011 bible
New Testament in Southeastern Dinka Lek Jot de Yecu Kritho bible
Otuho New Testament Ecorit Anejuk bible
The New Testament in Moru bible
The Holy Bible in Moru bible
The Revised Moro Version Ðǝrreiðia Eŋen Ðǝmaijǝn Iði Rǝmwa Riðu bible
Nuer Bible RUAC KUƆTH IN RƐL RƆ bible
Shilluk BSS Version Shilluk Bss Version bible
Zande New Testament bible